Do you smoke and go to school?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ismokeplentybud, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Im smoking right now and ill be heading to class in five minutes its only 7 minutes away but ill pretty much be leaving the door smoking a joint. Nobody ever says anything and i literally come in high every single day. Its for the best i work much harder and pay more attention im good in school. So do you smoke before class? I have told past teachers i have been high, we tend to get along they just think its funny.
  2. that is so cooool dude
  3. Education costs a lot of money. Don't waste your time being high in class. Do your shit, then go get high. Priorities man.
  4. QFT

    With the insane costs of school not to mention the fact that rates are increasing in WA at ridiculous rates I cannot afford to go to school high. If you actually do better high then, way to go and keep at it. I do not as I get a little to random and can't focus as easy.
  5. No, I go to school then smoke.
  6. In highschool yes, but I wouldn't in college.
  7. No, i am done with school forever. I smoke and go to work these days. :cool:
  8. I like to go into class stoned and have discussions about what were learning, it helps me out a lot.
  9. when i was in high school i smoked everyday before classes and it didnt work too great for me...i was failing all the morning classes but doing great after i started coming down and had lunch :smoking:
  10. yeah only when i have quizes because i score 80's and above. im really starting to think that weed is just like bubble gum... in a sense when it comes to school for me:confused:
  11. Never i always wait till i get home to smoke, its just not worth it for me and i would rather not hurt my education. But all my friends smoke before school and during school.
  12. I used to go keyed in High School but I won't do it when I start goin' to college unless a course I have is mad easy & funny.
  13. i go to my physics class high occasionally... my professor is fuckin hilarious its almost too much.
  14. Not anymore since I finished my GERs and started taking higher level math/science courses.
  15. i do, but it takes me like 2 hours to get there so i'm not high in school. makes my day a little better usually tho.
  16. i think its overrated going to college high. not that i havint done it in the past tho.

    but high school is alright until u have a surprise speech. until then u learn your lesion.
  17. Depends on the day/class. If I actually have to focus, then no. But for the past two week in my education class, it's just been student presentations, so i've been getting blazed before that class lately.

    Sometimes a wake and bake is just necessary on certain days i know are going to suck.

  18. ^This

    Even though I admit I've burned many times before class
  19. I used to all the time in high school.

    I would smoke the odd mornings and pretty much every lunch. Teachers have called me out multiple times, have gotten in shit multiple times, but still did it every day. Doesn't affect my work habits negatively or positively, I work just the same while high, it's just more enjoyable.
  20. i only smoke before certain classes. i smoked a joint driving to my english class today and we just sat around discussing shit and getting philisophical and laughing, pretty much the best class to get stoned at. now my math classes...yeah i gotta be sober for that shit, instructor is a buzzkill and being high while she lectures makes the class seem like its lasting forever.

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