So this guy comes to my collective(i'm a member/family) and tries to burglarize the place last night. Surveillance pic isn't the best, but do you recognize him? Fresno, Ca. area. If so, please PM me and let's serve some justice.
Freno, CA? Not Fresno, CA? I have a buddy in Fresno. Either way that guy doesn't look familiar to me. Edit: Love how you saved the pic as dickhead.jpg lmao! Further Edit: You changed it to Fresno, ok lol.
hard to get a good looks but im sure you can photoshop it to get a better profile pic, put an ad on craigslist in your area in the for sale section with his picture say reward of 5 grand if caught with your information
To the best of my knowledge, he tried and got nothing. But he caused over $1k in damage that could benefit the many charities we donate to.
its a shame to see someone trying to steal from a collective. Collectives are specifically their to help the community anyone willing to steal from a collective is scum
I got a homie who knows everyone in fresno i'll shoot him a message on facebook see if he knows... other than that.. he's probably a member. Look at the old survelance tapes and try and get a match with customers.
A member in good standing said she THINKS he was behind her in line to get membership as she was signing in. DEFINITELY reviewing the tapes, but i think they will be getting better cameras soon too. Got a $1K reward out and possibly growing. Appreciate your help. i've posted here, FB, and e-mails.