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Do you guys think....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Joedahoe, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. That a McDonald's mango smoothie will intensify your high like regular mangoes or
    Like the pure mango smoothie drinks?
    I'm already high as fuck
    But I'm drinking one as we speak.
    Do you think it'll work?
  2. Try it out, at worst you have a fix for cottonmouth.
  3. [quote name='"dawntoker"']Try it out, at worst you have a fix for cottonmouth.[/quote]

    Very true good sir
  4. No it won't. You gotta eat the mango and it helps a lot if it's really ripe. What in those is probably an extract.

    But those things are bomb as fuck though.
  5. [quote name='"OGkushak"']No it won't. You gotta eat the mango and it helps a lot if it's really ripe. What in those is probably an extract.

    But those things are bomb as fuck though.[/quote]

    I learn something nEW every day

    Grocery list

    1. Bag of Mangos
  6. [quote name='"gorgeousma"']

    I learn something nEW every day

    Grocery list

    1. Bag of Mangos[/quote]

    Eat an hour before tokin!
  7. Probably not considering it is probably made of all artificial crap.
  8. mcdonalds isnt even allowed to call their shakes milkshakes because there isnt any milk in them. i highly doubt the smoothy has anything that even resembles real fruit in it. not to say a real smoothy wouldnt work. just not a mcdonalds one
  9. Mcdonalds does not invest in real food.

    I almost pity those that eat there, almost.
  10. Mcdonalds smoothies will probably NOT work. Probably not enough real mango juice in there. Also, you have to eat a ripe./overripe mango an hour BEFORE you smoke, not while you are high.
  11. not true. if you eat it right before you smoke it will extend your high rather than intensify it. it usually doesnt intensify dank because dank already has enough of the shit that you get from eating mangoes. if you eat it right before you smoke that stuff gets introduced into your system later so thats why it extends the high.
  12. Someone made a thread about how the brand "Naked" makes a mango drink that has myrcene in it. But I doubt the smoothies from McDonald's do, that's just my guess
  13. it worked all
  14. It's like how the company that produces the meat patties for McDonalds is called "100% Pure beef". So when they say a burger is 100% pure beef, that's just the company that makes them. Tricky mawfuckas :laughing:
  15. Yeah, and their "100% beef" is loaded with that nasty pink slime filler. Did y'all know that one of the things in that nasty pink slime is amonia? Ya know, the stuff that's in Windex!! That's right, when you eat a burger from a fast food joint like McDonald's, you are eating slimy Windex. :eek:
  16. Its going to be from concentrate (assuming they don't use artificial) so wouldn't do the same. Read why mangos make you higher, then if a small concentrate would contain much of it. Which I doubt. Enjoy though.
  17. Yeah they used to until pretty recently, not anymore.

  18. it's treated with ammonia that doesnt mean its still in there when you eat it
  19. [quote name='"pearl75"']
    Yeah, and their "100% beef" is loaded with that nasty pink slime filler. Did y'all know that one of the things in that nasty pink slime is amonia? Ya know, the stuff that's in Windex!! That's right, when you eat a burger from a fast food joint like McDonald's, you are eating slimy Windex. :eek:[/quote]

    But he wouldn't feed ammonia to his family!! He has a cowboy hat...and even horses!

  20. Wait what!? Your telling me if I drink a "Naked" mango drink that I'll get higher? I'm still new to this scene haha

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