Do you consider marijuana a DRUG?

Discussion in 'General' started by crucialdanks303, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. it is definitely a drug.
  2. We really don't know 100% what Marijuana does with long usage.I know a dude that has been smoking 50 year's or so and is in very good shape.He is 60 or so but run's about 5 miles every morning.He come's by sometime's and we spark up a jay and will skateboard with him while he is running.I can't make it as far as him.Though that is becouse ofy Neurological problem.

    There could be another person that has smoked just as long and could have negitive side effect's from it,there are TON"S of factor's here and just saying Marijuana coused it after a long period of usage isnt smart as there could be other thing's associated with it.
  3. If you look up "drug" in the dictionary it defines the word as: a substance used as a medicine or narcotic. So if you want the "literal" definition...Yes, Marijuana is a drug.
  4. I like to think of it as a herb or medicine
  5. weed is for sure a drug

    too many people have a negative connotation when it comes to the word drug. I think its because the word drug is often associated with something bad or dangerous, even though that is not the specific definition of what a drug is.
  6. #26 calikevin87, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
    Anything we intake into our systems to alter ourselves mentally or physically can be considered a drug, though I think the word "drug" itself has gained a horrible stigma. I would never personally refer to mairjuana as a drug, because the word "drug" to me sounds so filthy and unattractive... Cannabis doesn't deserve that bad rep.
  7. WELL PUT, bravo my man cannabis does not deserve that!
  8. of course it is. even though i don't wanna believe it.

  9. I Conquer. True as I would say it
  10. nah its a commodity.
  11. Best damn drug there is...but it's still a drug. :)
  12. Crack, heroine, LSD are drugs, Mary is a plant.
  13. Absolutely it's a drug. Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it isn't a drug. A drug is some foreign substance that alters your mind and/or body. Caffeine is a drug, aspirin is a drug, psilocybin is a drug, all are naturally occuring. Marijuana/THC alters your mind/body, therefore it is a drug.
  14. The definition of a drug is any substance that alters the body's natural function. Going by that definition I would call pot a drug, but I would not let that be flipped around to compare pot to cocaine because "both are drugs".

    Just because pot is in it's unprocessed form doesn't make it any less of a drug. It alters your body's natural chemestry which in turn makes it a drug. Caffeine, ephedrine, psilocybin, mescaline and DMT can all be found in nature and I believe that we can all agree that they are drugs, right? :smoking:
  15. I'd call those substances :smoke:

    Except for caffeine. That's definately a drug.
  16. my thoughts exactly
  17. Drug:

    1.Pharmacology. a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.2.(in federal law) a.any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia or formulary of the nation.b.any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals.c.any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.d.any substance intended for use as a component of such a drug, but not a device or a part of a device.3.a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, esp. a narcotic.4.drugs, a.chemical substances prepared and sold as pharmaceutical items, either by prescription or over the counter.b.personal hygienic items sold in a drugstore, as toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.

    Drugs are not necessarily chemically altered. Many, many drugs are naturally occuring substances. Penicillin is a toxin secreted by a type of mold, for example. Many chemotherapy drugs are derived from plants.

    Cannabis is a drug. It's not a matter of opinion; it's a matter of the definition of the word.

    Why do you think there is something wrong about it being called a drug?
  18. Chocolate is a drug too.
  19. people are getting prescribed MMJ therefore its a drug. And even if they didnt it would still be a 'drug'
  20. It is not approved by the FDA to treat or prevent a disease... therefore, it is not a drug.

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