Do you believe one can lose their soul while alive?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Cannabliss88, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. there's plenty of intellectual, open minded people who see what I put, and it will click for them. as for you, one day. one day. either way the message will resonate with the ones that want to listen. :-D
  2. #62 White Indian, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
    None of these videos shows any "blatant" signs of celebrates being controlled by some secret organization. All these videos show is you're willing to do some serious mental gymnastics and take normal, everyday things and assign to them some insidious undertone: a musician looking sad in her music video? Must be she's broken up inside over her deal with Satan. A rapper using standard metaphors to describe emotional conflict? Obviously that's about Satan as well.
    How do you not see how paranoid and delusional you're being?  
  3. ok first, I've been getting my ass handed to me for using YouTube videos, even tho all of what's stated in them can be backed up on the internet. so plz do not even try to give a Wikipedia link, to talk about a subject. so if I accept ur Wikipedia, u can accept another video explaining the answer to ur question. hope you see a little but more.
  4. comparing wikipedia to youtube. You are astounding.
    i dont know why you turned this thread into a illuminati type bullshit
    Are you NoFlame's reincarnation?
  5. well I mean eminem, jay z, Katy Perry, kanye, bob Dylan all say either "devil" "Satan" or "Lucifer" not me. them. so me actually taking their words for what they are is wrong. in the my darling song he tells u what the devil is saying. what could all that be a metaphor for? I could see if they said "evil red guy with horns" and I jumped to devil, you saying that. but THERE words exactly. not mine.
  6. #66 den_mag2005, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
    easily comparable. just like anyone could educationt what goes on Wikipedia, they can make a video on YouTube. you can't even use Wikipedia as a cited source, but youtube videos you can. DUH. and music industry, contract holders, bankers, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, elite, executives, political rulers, illuminati. their all one in the same and have been around for ages.
  7. #67 shaddytheman, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
    Hmmm…But wait a minute, wouldn't the corporations, industries, and organizations be the soulless ones? The organizations motivate the ones that are hungry for the incentives that their ID desires, the common desire is money (Music industry for example). But let me stray a bit, not all businesses are constitute of callous, insensitive, dreary people that are there to drain and suck all of your hopes and dreams; the businesses that tend to get a bad reputation are the ones set in the U.S. because the U.S. holds a lot of prestige and significance throughout the world. 
    I can sort of picture a mental imagery of a person stripping distinctive characteristics of themselves to fulfill the expectations of their master. 
  8. they tell stories and use wordplay, imagery and metaphors, goddamn do you know nothing about art and writing?
    Yes and you're taking it all too literally. Artists like to use images and symbolism for poetic effect. How is that so hard to understand?
  10. its because youtube has no standard of control over what gets said...go change a Wiki article and see how long that shit stands before its corrected and your account is warned...thats the difference
  11. wikipedia has hundreds of sources at the bottom of each page. its a middle man. A collection of information leading to a whole story.
  12. Based on your theory, you are doing the EXACT same thing ;) .. Have you ever thought of it like that?
  13. thank you! I've gave tons of proof showing these people evidence it is true, them showing no equal evidence proving otherwise. I mean really? I know there's tons of other people out there reading this, that believe it too. just don't want to say they do cuz of the judgement and ridicule that comes with it.
  14. You can't make it a mutual thing. You literally believe something that you only wish to be true. People don't believe it BECAUSE you can't prove it, so why would you? It's useless going back and forth with you people because all you do is say "well you can't prove it isn't real" and provide bogus theories by other wishful thinkers that can't be solidified as fact


  15. #75 Dro Smoe, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2013
    That's pure, unadulterated BS ... How do you know why others believe they have a soul? To say we believe something that we "wish" to be true is complete ignorance, so thanks for that ;).. You haven't walked in another man's shoes, so you should really just shut your mouth before you make anymore of a fool out of yourself... The truth is, your theory CANNOT be proven either.. So from where do you gather your confidence bro? Just live and let live.. How are you making this world any better of a place by just TRYING to tear down the beliefs of others? You want to believe that you have no soul? Good for you bro... But to talk down to others as if you're beliefs are absolute truth and there's are a fairy tale is foolishness because you too have no concrete infallible basis for your assertions; and if you do, then please enlighten the rest of us...
  16. like you stated. it just seems these people want to believe that they are soulless beings here with no god. I mean really? I've laid out tons of information for THEM but NONE of them can give me an equally convincing argument against what I've stated. they just knock my sources as not credible. at least I'm using their words and quotes, not mine. it's pointless even trying to continue this topic with such clueless sheep. one day. one day. I think we answered the qestuin for the guy who originally asked it. believe what u want.
  17. I personally don't believe anything kuz you can't prove there is something worth believing on either side of the spectrum. That would be pure, unadulterated idiocy


  18. #78 den_mag2005, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2013
    she says everything I've been trying to say. souls, manipulation, corrupt system, lies, slaves. I mean how much more blatant can an artist get. they both say u listen, but don't LISTEN. wake up people
  19. So you don't believe there is a soul, and you don't believe there isn't? LoL I just fail to see what any of your posts are gettin at ... Take care
  20. #80 den_mag2005, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2013
    "No more compromises
    I see past your diguises
    Blindin' through mind control
    Stealin' my eternal soul
    Appealin' through material
    To keep me as your slave...

    ...Oh, you'd had everyone believe
    That you're the sole authority
    Just follow the majority
    Afraid to face reality
    The system is a joke
    Oh, you'd be smart to save your soul
    Oh, and escape this mind control
    You spent your life in sacrifice
    To a system for the dead
    Oh, are you sure...
    Where is the passion in this living
    Are you sure it's God you servin'
    Obligated to a system
    Getting less then you're deserving
    Who made up these schools, I say
    Who made up these rules, I say
    Animal conditioning
    Oh, just to keep us as a slave"

    now what metaphors can she possibly be meaning for these, sheep. her words, in the context SHE meant to deliver them in. if ur still blind I can't help you.

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