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Do they watch you pee in a court meeting?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by CustomBall 420, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Hello there everyone. I have a question involving court ordered piss tests, which I understand a lot of people involved in illegal substances eventually go through. My situation: I'm a minor who got his second citation at the end of 2017. My first was a nicotine charge which has since been removed through 6 weeks of testing (where substituted urine worked rather well). My second one, the citation in question, is a constructive possession charge that I acquired by being at a session and not actually smoking...just my luck.

    My question is this. In just under a week I'm going to "court" with my lawyer and parent with loads of evidence (community service hours, phenomenal report by a psychiatrist, book report on a self-help book, etc.) to prove that I'm a good kid and fight the case. I say "court" because we're just meeting with some members of the court, not actually going on trial before a judge or anything. I've heard that they make you do a piss test pretty much every time you go into court and it's far too late for me to get clean, so I'm preparing. I have clean piss waiting and I'm fully capable of sneaking in the sample piping hot, but I'm just worried about whether or not I will be watched during my test. Has anyone gone through this ordeal before or know enough about the system to know what determines whether or not they decide to monitor my test? I really need to know; too many good friends have fell into the trap of detoxes like QCarbo32 and I don't intend to follow them, even if I had the financial ability to. Thank you my fellow tokers, I'm counting on you.
  2. When I was in juvi court I had to meet with P.O. and judge in a court like setting, had people behind me and a judge but they still told me it wasn’t court, it was in everything but name.

    But when I went yes I had to do drug tests, they made me empty my pockets did a pat down from head to toe then made me wash my hands, after that me and the same person who patted me down went into a single restroom, they don’t stare at your dick but they will be able to see if you are moving your hands around.

    If you are caught with fake urine or urine in a container there goes your good character in the eyes of the court as well as a violation of probation and maybe a year or two extra of monthly drug tests. Trust me do NOT try to sneak piss in. Either buy detox pills or drinks, yes they do work I’ve passed 10 or 15 with quick fix from my local headshop 30 minutes after smoking, or take the failed drug test. Best of luck.
  3. Thank you very much for your response Criggity. As it turns out, I made a mistake in my description of the situation. I'm not actually going into court yet. I'm meeting with an intake office who will decide whether or not judicial action is necessary. If anyone has been in this situation, please let me know if they watch you at all while taking the drug test or if they even test in the first place. I'm going into this as cautious as possible with my sub piss ready as this could end my legal problems in a day or extend it all year. PLEASE HELP.
  4. No problem, that’s what they told me as well, that it wasn’t court and more of a preliminary appearance, they repeatedly told me it was not court but it sure as hell felt like it.

    If it’s anything to do with the legal system, as in unless it’s some psychiatrist or private counselor that has absolutely nothing to do with the state then they will probably watch you and at the VERY least they WILL search you, again I wouldn’t risk it, if caught could be anything from a extra charge, violation of probation, or if the person is a dick automatic trip to juvenile jail. Hope it works out for you man best of luck.
  5. Court ordered test are almost always supervised. In some states it is also a crime if you get caught trying to cheat.

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