Do these look okay for 2 weeks?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by RileyXX, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. #1 RileyXX, Jul 9, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    This is my first time growing. These popped out of the ground about 15 days ago. Do they look okay? I thought they would be a little bigger by now or am I wrong? They are a little stretched out because I had them under a small 30 watt light when they came out of the ground hence the toilet paper rolls. Lesson learned. Now I have them under a 600 watt grow light and they stopped stretching. Temp is in the high 70s and humidity in 50-60% range. The soil is commercial organic premixed soil with nutrients for 3 months. Any feedback or suggestions on these would be very helpful. Thanks!!
    20190709_134807.jpg 20190709_134828.jpg 20190709_134838.jpg 20190709_134851.jpg
  2. I don't think I have ever seen seedlings that stretched before.
    They are quite underdeveloped for 15 days old - they look more like 3 days old.
    You might consider adding 30% perlite to your soil and burying most of the stems when you transplant.
    These plants are 14 days from sprout for a comparison. Good luck with your grow.
    2 weeks C-99.JPG
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  3. Overwatering slows growth drastically. Personally, I feel it’s the worst problem to incur as I’ve noticed the most drastically slowed growth from overwatering. I’ve battled many deficiencies, most grow ugly, but still keep on growing. With overwatering, they don’t grow, and your seedlings stay seedlings way too long. To me, while a plant is overwatered it’s on “pause” physically, zero noticeable growth, but it’s internal clock is still ticking even though the plant is at a literal standstill (important to note for autos).
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  4. Interesting I'll try that when I transplant. I knew they seemed a little small. I let them stretch for like 7 days before I realized something was wrong so I dont think they really started growing til 7 days in or so. That's my guess anyway. Thanks for the tip!
  5. Yeah I just watered them 2 days ago and it seems like they slowed down. I think you're right. I was worried about the roots drying up and dying. Gonna let them dry out some more before I water next time. Thanks
  6. Yeah, not preaching or nothing but like as you go I’m sure you’ll learn just as I did that with plants that size one good watering will take them nearly a week, then maybe every 3. Then once you transplant the overwatering worries begin again and rightfully so as they’ll start out as small plants in large pots that can hold A LOT of water. Way more than they’ll use for 5-7 day depending. So again, one water. Ignore the top drying out. It’ll dry days before the underworkers.
  7. I'm having the problem with one of my seedlings now..I started one in plastic and one in a peat pot ..guess which one in struggling because of too much water. You think I could just transplant to dry soil wait for the middle to dry a little which shouldn't take long and water the outer parts?

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  8. Yeah that would definitely help it dry out faster. But transplanting that wet root ball is risky as the soil is heavier wet, and the pieces that want to fall are heavier increasing the risk of damage to roots. While I haven’t had terrible root shock, over had terrible overwatering and I would do what you plan to do and introduce more dry soil to pull and distribute the moisture it’s holding over a larger area.
  9. Yeah you’ve def got some stretch going on! But other than that they look healthy. Here’s my watering method: I note how heavy the pots feels just after watering and just before. It should be a lot lighter when it’s dry. Like right now my plants soil looks really dry, but I checked the weight so I know it’s not time to water because their pots aren’t light enough. Even if you go a day or two past watering, they can recover very quickly where with overwatering there’s a whole host of problems that can happen. You could also get a water/ph meter. But when you transplant, make sure to bury the stem and use a lot of perlite. It keeps the soil oxygenated and they’re really happy when they can breath! Good luck!
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  10. What pots are those? Iv been trying to look em up and cant find them. Also whats the difference in for example my 5 gallon grow bags. Is there a benifit from them?

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  11. Man those are sooo stetched, kinda puts Stormy Daniels to shame.

    Repot and bury them stems, leave abiut 1.5 inch un buried.
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  12. I have never seen toilet paper rolls before lol. If it was me I would prep new dirt with a lot of perilite . . Very very carefully transplant and bury most of the stem . I can't stress the very carefully . .
  13. Those are air pots. I use the 1ltr for the first two weeks and transplant to a 9.2ltr. I have never used grow bags so I can't comment but both air prune the roots to prevent root circling.
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  14. Cool, ima have to check them out. Thanks for the info

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