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Do I like weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by stoner_joe, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. #1 stoner_joe, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2014
    ** Just realised... terrible thread title! New name - I CAN'T TELL IF I WAS HIGH OR TRIPPING **
    Hello there, fellow cannabis connoisseurs!
    Its been a very long time since I have posted, or even logged into this forum. If I remember correctly, my last post was regarding me greening out  :laughing:... brace yourself... another dumb question from me! 
    Right, the other week, my friend brought out what was remained of his joint. He had smoked the rest and had no clue what strain weed it was. He sparked it up, and I took one tiny hit. Around 20 seconds later... boom. You know that feeling when the herb hits you? And your feeling suddenly changes? Yeah.. that.. but intense. 
    We walked up these stairs, and when I got to the top, my heart had began to race... really, really bad. I was having a panic attack. Why? I don't even know. 
    After I overcame this panic attack, I felt really strange. Now, I just can't tell if I was really stoned, just stoned or what. But I felt very unease with the feeling. I felt.. not out of body, but not myself. I was distracted, I couldn't focus on one thing. My whole field of vision was one... I wasn't focusing on anything, kind of like a panoramic photo.
    If you need more details from me, just ask. I'm desperately trying to figure out if i was just stoned, and I don't like being stoned... or the herb was sprayed or what. I'd love to smoke weed... but if thats what being stoned feels like then the ganj isn't for me.

  2. Idk, do you?
  3. You have to learn to be more comfortable with change in your state of mind and perception, is what it sounds like to me. I know a lot of people who will smoke and get uneasy and cause their own panic attacks because they are not just riding the high, they are more like.. Just.. Trying to keep sober without realizing it. 
  4. It's called being high 
    I guess. It just feels like I have no control over what I am feeling at the time. I hate it, but i've been so chilled off weed before. One bun on a joint just doesn't make sense though  :confused_2:
  6. It was laced with anxiety. 
  7. At first I was giggly with weed, but after a few times or months of heavy smoking, I get that way too occasionally. I have to smoke slower and make myself comfortable, focus on things other than how I feel, you know? It helps to get active if you feel like that. Start cleaning or something. Do some exercise.
  8. yu ots ta pizace yoself, mu'fukah
    (english) you must pace yourself while toking after a while, all that happened was you had a bad trip; you got too high too fast
  9. Sounds like you got too high and got mad paranoid.
  10. But I took one tiny bun?
  11.  most likly really good shit somtimes weed will do that ive been smoking for 5 yrs and it happens somtimes, when it happens  next time just remember no one has ever died from weed or even got medical issues from it, next time take a puff, inhale, wait 10-20 mins and repeat just to see if its you, or the bud

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