Do I Have To Be A Liberal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by stoned budda, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. #21 stoned budda, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2008

    Oddly enough i agree with a lot you said. Although the DEA was a creation of the republican party, it was a creation of the republican party of the 1970's. Times change, people change, the republican party is changing, as the democratic party already has.

    Actually I'm registered democrat, i did change it in protest in 2004 to independent, but change it back last year so i could vote in the primary. The reason i made this post is because i wanted to point out that peoples assumptions are not always correct.

    I classify my self as a libertarian, with Conservative fiscal values. I'm not against gay marriage or anything really, but believe its up to the individual states to decide and not the federal government, Also i dont like Obamas robin hood plan of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor through entitlement programs. I worked hard to get where I'm at in life and i decide how much i give to the poor not the government. I actually dislike both candidates, but feel that all in all McCain aligns more with my concerns.

  2. nixon was a registered democrat for many many years.

    he didnt leave the democratic party, the democratic party left him.

    it went from "the party of the working man"

    to the "party of the man who depends on the government to wipe his ass".
  3. so fucking true, Nixon was power hungry and was willing to do anything to look good in the eyes of the people. Making the DEA had alot to do with that, it made thousands of new jobs and kept drugs away from middle america.

  4. And thats why the important issues are completely ignored by both parties, because they are both going to do the same thing! Expand our military empire, expand our central powers at home.

    Who should "obviously" be voting democrat?

    Traditionally speaking, Democrats seek equality for all, while Republicans seek liberty for all. I would rather be free than equal.

    The only groups that benefit from higher taxes and more government are government and the businesses that are in bed with government.

    People who vote Democrat are naive. They believe if we give more power and money to the government they will do good things for us. Too bad Democrats don't read history.

    Both parties are broken, but thats how they want it. You must choose based on the dumbest criteria, like social issues. Social issues change and so do the stances of the party. Democrats started the war on marijuana with FDR.

    The democratic party is an insult to America and the values we were founded upon: freedom.

    We didn't come to this country to be coercively made "equal".
  5. He created the most powerful drug cartel in history, and sold it as police work. Thats what mobsters do, not people concerned with public opinion.

    The DEA has imported and distributed more illegal drugs than anyone, except the Military, who have been doing it since WW2.

    What is Acid? Your government at work.
    What is Crack cocaine? Government work.
    What is crystal meth? Government work.
    Why is the heroin production in Afghanistan back to pre-taliban levels? Government work.
    Who flew the weed in from Panama, in the Iran- Contra scandal? Government work.

    Why are so many more inner city minorities prosecuted and imprisoned for drugs, than whites who do just as many if not more drugs? Government work.

    The problem is that it comes down to accountability, and thanks to the conservatives in power, that word is now a joke to most voters.

    Labels just confuse the real problem, which is that we have lost sight of our own vulnerability to corruption, which is the real enemy America has today, as well as much of the world.
  6. I do not disagree with you that the DEA is a failure of the state but I would like to be given proof of the bold. You say that is what mobsters do, not people worried of public opinion, any true mafia crime boss know first that you take care of the people that take care of you. That is a fact and is why somebody like Nixon made the DEA, the spread of drugs across America during the late 60's exploded in use compared to previous years and people did not know what to think of it, so they turned to someone with ideas that sounded good to them but they didn't totally understand.

  7. Speaking of labels, should we still be calling the administration with one of the largest increases and abuse of federal powers in US history "conservative"?

    Neoconservative doesn't cut it, there's got to be a better word....

  8. Ya I am getting attacked too here and there for having a different opinion.

    I just like to have a nice debate about things, I mean there will always be two sides on every issue. To the people who actually debate me I appreciate the debate. I am only 19 years old and have loved to debate since I was younger. Too the people who say I am stupid or dumb because of my opinion, come up with actual debate it makes you sound much more intelligent.
    My other forums aren't even allowed to talk politics cause people get to mad and start fuming and e-thugging each other. Thats why I like GC. I can talk about anything (almost :)).
    I know this is a more liberal message board. I don't mind it. More of a challenge.
    Like your opinion won't change because I am right, my opinion won't change because I think I am right.:smoke:
  9. Lately ive been thinking its just the sheep mentality. Alot of people just have that stereotpye in their minds that if you smoke weed you should be a democrat, and its stupid.
  10. I find it quite hilarious that someone can change their political positions so radically in less than a year....
  11. #31 stoned budda, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by stoned budda [​IMG]
    I believe he will win the democratic nomination hands down, I'm not a democrat but i do like his message, and he seems genuine and honest, a fresh voice if you will. I am a little concerned though with him getting close to someone of Teddy Kennedys questionable character. What i liked about his speaches is that he seemed to remove himself from the coruption and special intrest, Then he's proudly taking Chappaquidick Fats endorsement. Makes one question his message.

    What? This is before the Reverend Wright debacle, the "clinging to guns and religion" debacle, and before i was informed of his liberal/socialist programs, etc. Am i not allowed to change my mind upon finding out the man is an asshole? And i said i'm not a democrat, at the time i was not a registered democrat as i said in my other post in this thread, i changed back to democrat so i could vote in the primary.

    Although i like him and if McCain gets the Republican nomination i will vote for him, i dont think he will win a general election. There are still to many ignorant people who cant look past the color of his skin or the name, regardless of what they say in public. Against Romney he may win, but against McCain, well i fear he will loose, McCain pulls a lot of wait with moderate middle age Democrats, Independents, and moderate Republicans. That coupled with the ignorance of racism i feel would give McCain the election. Romneys main support come from party hardliners with practically no support from the left or middle.

    Again this is from way back before either party had a front runner, before even Super Tuesday i believe. A lot of info has come out since then and opinions change.And i still stand by most of that statement.

    Now, Ron Paul is the man, but the only way he's getting there is a miricle on super Tuesday or a Brokered Convention That would be awsome to see.

    This election in my opinion starts with Ron Paul and breaks down to the lowest common denominater,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anyone but McCain.

    I still like Ron Paul but theres not a snowballs chance in hell that he will get elected, and as i said in another post in this thread, i dont like either of the candidates in this election but was voting McCain because i believe he is the lesser of two evils.


    Talk about stretching to prove me wrong. I apologize for not being blinded by Saint Obama The Most Merciful's charisma and realizing that hes a fuckin weasel like any other politician, and not the savior/messiah of for the citizens of the world community.
  12. Says the man who debated voting for Ron Paul or Barack Obama. One day you'll realize how absurd that is. ;)

    "Am I a libertarian or a Marxist?"
  13. Since the Republican Party decided that we all ought to be in jail.
  14. I'm with you on conservative fiscal values. The reality, apart from their rhetoric, today's batch of Republicans are hardly fiscal conservatives. "Borrow and spend" is every bit as damaging as "tax and spend"... maybe even more so.

    P.S. If you ever get a chance and are so inclined, Paul Frugman's book, The Conscience of a Liberal, offers great analysis on this topic.

    Attached Files:

  15. That political cartoon is unfair, Clinton was riding the booming 90's.

  16. My point is that Obama hasn't significantly changed his political positions since January, when you made this post. So you aren't basing your vote on the real issues.... you're basing it on what his religious leader said, and a comment he made that came off as "elitist". Honestly I don't care if the president is an asshole. Neither of those things have anything to do with his political positions. You may call them "socialist programs" but they were all listed and explained just as clearly on his website then as they are now.
    I understand that you like Ron Paul more than either of them. You voted for Hillary in the primaries though, right? Her policies are the same as Obama's other than a few very minor points. Why aren't you supporting Bob Barr, who's views are much closer to Ron Paul's? It just baffles me that you can say "anyone but McCain" and then a few months later call him the lesser of two evils.
    I never debated anything... I've been an Obama supporter since before I even knew who Ron Paul was. I have said on many occasions that I admire and respect Ron Paul's fiscal policies, but that the rest of his positions are too radical for me.

    What's absurd is that someone who has been a registered Democrat for most of their life and VOTED FOR Hillary Clinton in the primaries is now a McCain supporter. It's like he's just voting based on the candidates' personalities and backgrounds.
  17. people change their minds all the time?

    oh im sorry, we're talking politics so the attempted jokes are really deap-seated personal stabs.
  18. i dont like republicans because they are the rich-man/fasist party and they do things to benefit there personal interests not ones of the nation. the democrats are the everyday joe /labor party which instills policies that work for a majority of people, not ones that benefit a small number of people like the conservatives do. anyways liberal are alot more accepting about pot and alot more realistic
  19. because voting for Barr will actually help Obama more than anyone, and he doesn't want Obama in there.
  20. Well, let's just entertain this thought for a minute... if you "admire and respect Ron Paul's fiscal policies" and you have had a generally positive outlook on him as a candidate, yet you still never debated or even considered voting for him, then you have failed to live up to your duties as a member of the electorate.

    But that's a "Moo" point anyway... seeing as you said...

    This, to my recollection was your official "coming out" thread for your support of Barack Obama. I remember you being very diliberate in making your decision as to who would have your vote (while somehow never entertaining the thought of voting for Paul ;) ) and you had talked/known about Ron Paul long before making that thread.

    I wonder where your vote would have ended up if Ron Paul had the support that Barack Obama has... Unfortunately, the entire political establishment opposes Ron Paul's policies for change, yet somehow they are presenting Obama as the Messiah. Go figure.

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