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Do Fire Crackers Stink Up Your House

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Still wondering, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. If I make fire crackers will my kitchen smell like buds
  2. Short answer: yes. There is also a no cooking method though. Just make them as usual and put them in an airtight container for at least 3 days. If your container is good, it should be less stinky than making it in an oven. Plus, it can just be shoved in a closet and then that would be the only thing it's stinking up. 
  3. When I made mine, my kitchen smelled for about 30 minutes but it was gone after that. Just make sure you don't have anyone coming over for about 3 hours and that should provide you enough time to make them and not worry about the smell.
  4. not really, just use air freshener after and your golden
  5. If you're going to decarb your weed (which I would recommend) that will stink up your kitchen area pretty badly for about a half hour. But once you wrap the firecrackers in tinfoil and throw em in the oven the only smell you get is peanut butter. Open a couple of windows just to be safe. 

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