List of items needed: -Pencil Sharpener blade -A pencil Steps: 1.Unscrew the blade from the pencil sharpener 2.Cut the pencil at a desired length(so it's easy to use/scrape) 3.Use the blade to cut threw the eraser(at the end of the pencil) do not use anything else to cut it, because the blade won't be "stuck" there when you scrape; it will fall off. 4.Insert the blade into the slot in the eraser. 5.If done correctly, the blade should stay there if you used the same blade to make the slot. Voila ;D *Watchout,big picture :/
Nice haha. I will experiment with the concept when my new grinder starts to build up haha. Try to control the pic size btw. If you upload it to tinypic and set the size to "message board 640x480" you can copy and paste the code directaly onto the forum at a perfect size.
Those little flat plastic things they give you to push the bubbles out when you buy a screen protector work perfectly. Also if you buy a grinder they usually come with one. Spacecases come with an incredibley nice kief scooper but their grinders are expensive so they better come with a nice one. Also i hate using the word "things" but couldn't think of what to call the bubble pusher.. a squeegee? yea that's prob the best word
holy shit. But I use my keif scraper cuz I shake my weed in a homemade kief box and scrape it or when I roll joints. Coming back on yours,fucking epic. Looks big tho,
thanks dood, an yeh you're right, my smallest ones seem to be most popular. I got one thats more of a scraper than scoop, need to make a batch of them. Did you dull the blade at all so it doesn't catch on shit? Or take off micro contaminents?
Well I ran it in alchool to disinfect it, don't really bother it's only for scraping my trims. I use poker card to scrape kief haha