anyone out there ever try to make one out of one of those stainless steel water bottles just drill one holeon top in the plastic cap and several small holes on the bottom i thought it might work im going to try it in about two weeks
Great idea man! Let me know how it works out for ya.. Drop some pics if you could! I might try it out too, I've heard of the turkey baster method too.. What are you using as a screen? And what kinda butane and from where? I've read one guy getting .7g BHO from 5 gs of aghani before.. Definitely wanna give it a shot
a ss turkey baster would work better imo as the water bottle is too fat, you want a skinnier tube so the butane can come in contact with as much weed as quick as your water bottle only some of the weed would be extractable.
i used a plastic tupperware tub with holes in the bottom and a hole in the lid, coffee filter at the bottom, an oz of frozen trimmings, and your normal everyday aerosol lighter gas which i only just realised was butane, smoking that oil shit fucks your head up, too much for me i think, still smoked it, but it was very labouring, got about 2.7/2.8g of oil of the 1oz
if you search, youll find my tutorial with pics on how to make one the right way, for under 20 bucks and a trip to lowes