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Dispensary budtender truth

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Enjoyable High, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. When I go to dispensary and get my selection of 1/8 flower, the attending bud tender usually says "ohh good choice, that _____ is fire!". Maybe this was just a post-sale kudos or maybe they'd say the same thing regardless of my choice. So, I always now ask them this question: "tell me honestly what flower is not that good or subpar? So I won't waste my money on it." They indeed tell me what think is not too good: "oh their bud is dried out too much" or "for the lower priceyou can get this same type". I appreciate their well-intentioned efforts to steer me clear of bud id be unsatisfied with.
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  2. its why here many grow their own!
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Grow your own
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  4. We really dont care about "growing yer own", the focus of this thread is to discuss\question the value of advice from budtenders.
  5. When a waiter says good choice sir after you order some crap or another, Ya thnk he's sincere??? maybe yes/maybe no. :confused_2: I enjoy when friends bring over some really good dispensary weed. LA Kush from jungle boys around here. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Good is good. I won't pay for it but will smoke the :poop: out of it if you do.
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