
Discussion in 'General' started by kidugly, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. For those that have seen it so far what are your thoughts about it?

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  2. i just seen an episode yesterday...
    Its like the big bang theory of weed.
    I could see that if weed was more ingrained in pop-culture and accepted nationally. Something like this could be on prime time on a major network instead of netflix/hulu etc.
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  3. Watched about 2 mins of the first episode and cringed hard all the way through. This is the Big Bang Theory of weed comedy, lowest common denominator bullshit. Shit's embarrassing
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  4. I agree shits embarassing, I don't like the dab and Dabby characters fucking annoying they are, and the plants look like sad little fuckers it's cringy to see them specially in hydro. And smoke is photo shopped

    But non the less I like the show, specially the "comorcials" and trip outs. But ya it is what it is
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  5. Bad show. Bad stereotypes. Makes us all look like cheeky stoned idiots. It's the last thing we need if we want legalization to be taken seriously
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  6. I've actually been enjoying it. It has it's cringeful moments but it's pretty creative actually and the writing can be funny. Then again.. I've only watched it baked.
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  7. I've also never seen a show with cussing and a laugh track so gotta give it to the creators

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  8. #8 Allofthemtaken, Aug 30, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    Funny show, If you've ever worked in a dispensary it's spot on. There's a dabb and Dan in every shop. :smoke:

    Snerfin Darbs!
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  9. The guy talking to his plants. This show is fhuking hilarious what the fuck is wrong with people

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  10. Personally I think it's a walking bad stereotype
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  11. #11 incrededibles, Aug 30, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
    There's stereotyping and then there's satire

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. i couldn't stand the first 10 minutes of the first episode, but by number two I was hooked.
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  14. I turned off half way through the first episode. What a load of shit.

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  15. Low budget, corny, stupid. That's sober. Got high and watched 2 more episodes. Completely different show. So, as long as nobody see's me, I'll watch it again. But if I get busted watching it, I'll just act like I was surfing.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. M
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Meh, saw first episode. Not impressed. Just a parade of stale stoner humor. Not really that funny or different. Might give it another shot if I'm bored.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. It's pretty cringey, i feel like a laugh track after saying anything makes a show pretty corny pretty quick. It's nice to see pot related stuff that isn't all bad on tv tho

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