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disinfecting a bong

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ToxicDeath, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. any tips, recently i had a sore throat and a fever and smoked from my bong for the first couple days and haven't smoked yet and i wanna make sure there is no germs so i don't get sick again.:D
  2. no one has any tips?
  3. clean int with isopropyl, preferable of 91 percent or better and large granular salt such as epsom.

    pour mixture in and shake it up and down, seriously though you don't know how to clean a bong?!? Wrong section dude.
  4. Yep, just get some of that rubbing alcohol. It'll cut right through the resin and disinfect your bong at the same time.
  5. i know how to clean a bong i just didnt know the best route for disinfecting it and i didnt wanna get sick again or my bong to taste like shit lol and sorry about the wrong section post
  6. and if you have percs in the bong be very cautious. I would shake my crew's current bong because the tree percs are reinforced at the bottom of each arm, but with free hanging percs like those from cheaper companies I'd think twice about shaking it, might just want to let it free stand for a while ya dig?
  7. its a 2 foot acrylic one nothing special its only a single chamber should i take the stem out and soak it while i do the bong itself. i have 3 other bongs but i haven't been smoking from them.
  8. yeah, the iso will work. If your up to spending a bit more cash, i recommend you get Formula 420. Its worth the price
  9. unless u have a horrible immune system you wont catch the sickness you just got over from yourself. but alcohol will disinfect it
  10. never can be to cautious dude especially when u feel as shitty as i did
  11. You can use bleach too, just make sure you don't mix it with anything other than water.

    And rinse very, very well.

    That said, 90+ ISO Alcohol and Sea Salt works very, very well.
  12. if its acrylic i dont think you can clean it with alcohol
  13. I definitely wouldn't listen to the guy saying to use bleach... not a good idea, extremly toxic and difficult to wash out.

    Here are the 2 best ways:

    1) Formula 420 - Non-toxic, magical liquid that seems to clean any glass piece extremely well... highly recommended

    2) Rubbing Alcohol + Rock Salt. You need Rock Salt because it is big and chunky... Fill the bong until the salt is above your downstem, then pour in alcohol. Make sure you are covering the carb hole, the best is to stuff a paper towel or two in the hole and hold it while you shake the piece like crazy. Keep shaking up and down back and until the alcohol is completely black, then pour it into the toilet, rinse it out and repeat. This technique works really well although you may have to go 2-3 rounds until it is completely clean. You also have to wash the piece out quite a bit, but the alcohol scent does go away after a good rinse with hot water.
  14. stfu.
  15. Don't use alcohol to clean an acrylic bong. I'm pretty sure it'll dissolve it.
  16. Use some Iso. Alcohol and salt, that usually works, just mix it up and then swish it around in your bong for a few minutes, then rinse a few times with water, repeat if needed.

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