
Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Subliminal Jazz, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. Got this game for PC just lastnight and i must say, im pretty happy with it so far. i can kind of already tell what the main formula of the game is going to be only two missions in, but i like what i see. the world definitely feels mysterious and new instead of just the same ol crap ideas. we'll see what happens though.

    anyone else play this yet? id love to hear some feedback :smoking:
  2. Yeah i am, im mainly just killing everyone haha. R u the type of person to sneak past people or do you kill everyone?
  3. pretty much both, ill try and do it stealthy until i die once or twice, then ill just kill everyone in a blood filled rage after that. i've realized there's a loooot of stuff you can miss if you do it sneaky all the way thru the missions.
  4. Haha yeah, its so bad ass when you kill people in that game. Yeah i miss ive been recieving alot of stuff, ive been going literally everywhere on the map to find runes and what not. How far in are you? I heard that this game kiinda goes off, if you kill alot of people your evil, and if u kill less/no people your a good person.
  5. Games awesome! I try to sneak around but normally get spotted so have to blow their brains out... Oh well

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