
Discussion in 'General' started by GodBud55, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. how is being sent to prison for a crime you commited disgusting?
  2. thats not true. Anything on Guantanamo doesn't have to follow our laws so closely. Why do you think the US puts them in prison there? Safety and because they don't want those prisoners to have the same rights. As for the US not following the constitution. Get used to it our president hates the constitution and continues to figurative spit on it everyday.

    Why do Obama and his Supporters Hate the Constitution?
  3. Come on man, don't bring all the politics bullshit in here
  4. yeah seriously suck a fuck we dont need no politics in this thread, its a perfectly good thread about chicken. you're doing it wrong
  5. My bad guys, When the op brought in being disgusted with CCF that screamed politics to me
  6. I wasn't learning any of that until I came into this thread.

    Time to leave it and ignore the signs.
  7. I wish KFC delivered. fuck.
  8. I want chicken strips with honey mustard all of a sudden.
  9. When I think of the future of this planet, I honestly get depressed. It's making me nervous.
  10. yay for kfc in low income areas!

    lol its right around a corner :laughing:
  11. fuck it, if they want to torture a bunch of prisoners at guantanamo i personally couldn't give 2 shits

    Especially if they get some useful information out of them

    What makes me depressed and disgusted is all the REALLY fucking stupid people in the world today. And the fact that they're allowed to procreate. Shit, i'd run a fucking nationwide exam for everyone. If you fall below a certain percentage, you get sterilized. Don't need anymore retards in this world.

    oh and on that note, the fact that our country keeps lowering learning standards for kids because more and more are failing. Here's a thought, instead of lowering the passing grade, why don't you teach these fucking kids something? If more and more are failing its
    a. They're dumb
    b. Teachers are not doing their jobs good enough.
    c. The material is too light.

    I moved to u.s. from ukraine in 99. I finished 8th grade here, and obviously high school. Back home, i was taking 16 courses in 8th grade. That's right. 4 languages, 2 math classes, physics, chemistry etc. I got accused of cheating in 11th grade chemistry here in u.s. because i got the highest score on the test out of 3 classes. The 2nd person behind me was at like 89% or something like that. I told my teacher that i learned ALL of this about 3 yrs ago he was bamboozled.

    The point is, our government REALLY needs to step up with education for the young generation.
  12. What the fuck is Obama doing giving a senate fund raising speech today when apparently nobody is doing shit in the Gulf? The cleanup/containment "efforts" are beyond pathetic.

    The whole thing is absolutely disgusting and I'm not even talking about the oil.
  13. I'm literally sitting here lmao watching my thread change topics so fast. Fucked up people to Chicken to semi-political shit to school and Obama. :) I love it.
  14. you must never have fucks with that gravy and neckbones son
  15. HAHAHAHAHA......O god yes give me some of that please!!:hello:

  16. I dont support obama but dude cool it this makes you look really easily swayed by some pissed off dude in a computer chair. If Obama and his supporters "hate" the constitution does that mean the same for Bush and his supporters? Remember the patriot act??

    Just cause obama isnt doing everything well doesnt mean he hates america and overanalyzing every little thing he does and weeding out a little thing he or his administration have done and then going into an out of control tangent and labeling it un-american does nothing but make you look like a prick.

    All presidents suck for the most part, conservatives hated liberals during bush because they wouldnt stop bitching. Now you guys are doing the same thing and it is just as pathetic when the liberals were doing it.

    Unlike what you and other ridiculous close minded conservatives believe obama isnt a commie or a socialist, just like how ridiculous close minded liberals said Bush was a fascist even though he wasnt. So chill the fuck out and read more than the blogs made by some religious right nut.

    Dont get me wrong Obama hasnt done a good job, just stop bitching and claiming ridiculous statements because it makes you look like a twat

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