Dirt my plant is in is too compact

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Pedroo, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Have my plant in a 3 gal pot and i fear the soil has become to compact. When i water it pools up on the surface, and slowly drains into the soil. The top layers are VERY compact. Didnt heck lower down but im sure its the same. My plants are about 4 weeks into flowering. Whats a good way to loosen the soil without stressin my plant?
  2. Bumpp can anyone help?
  3. This worked for me, but I dont know what others would say about it..But I am using a round plastic container, to decompact the soil I just slightly pressed on two sides to make a small crack in the soil, twice at different angles (think 12 and 6, 3 and 9 o'clock). I made sure not too do it too hard, just enough to make the soil break up. I then closed the cracks up by just gently tilling the top layer of soil over the cracks and watered them closed. Seemed to work well for me, hope it does for you as well.

    But if its just the top few inches of your soil, I would just till the top inch or two up before every water. Just run your fingers over the soil gently to break it up and then water.

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