You'd think Dionne Warwick's psychic friends (or perhaps even her cousin Whitney Houston) could have warned her about this. The Grammy-winning singer and former Psychic Friends Network pitchwoman was busted Sunday at Miami International Airport after security guards allegedly found 11 marijuana joints stuffed inside a silver lipstick case. In a bust eerily similar to Houston's airport run-in two years ago, Warwick was stopped by baggage screeners at about 7:30 a.m. while preparing to board a flight bound for Los Angeles. Miami-Dade police were called to the checkpoint after screeners reported something suspicious in her carry-on luggage. The 61-year-old entertainer was charged with possessing less than five grams of marijuana and was released after signing an affidavit promising to appear in court. Warwick, who was in South Florida to pick up a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Red Cross, missed her original flight to Los Angeles, but she hopped on a later flight Sunday afternoon. Warwick has racked up five Grammys during her career, recording hits such as "Do You Know the Way to San Jose?", "Walk on By" and "That's What Friends Are For," not to mention hosting the '80s pop-music series Solid Gold and, most recently, hanging around with her pals in the Psychic Friends Network infomercials. Friends of the singer were already sticking up for her Sunday afternoon (that's what friends for, natch). Ruth Bowen, a theatrical agent and friend of Warwick, told the Miami Herald that the pot was "medicinal" to treat her glaucoma. "She's not a drug abuser," Bowen said. Her sister, Deedee Warwick, was equally surprised about the arrest. "I'm sure Dionne doesn't use drugs," she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. "I don't know how this occurred. I think someone put that on her. It wasn't true." Whatever the case, it's nearly identical to what happened with Warwick's cousin Whitney Houston, who was busted in January 2000 at Hawaii's Keahole-Kona International Airport after security guards searched her bag and allegedly found marijuana in two plastic baggies and three partially smoked joints. Houston eventually pleaded no contest to the charges and it was later wiped from her record after she agreed to pay several fines and submit to a substance-abuse assessment.
I never really cared for her music personally ,but since she got busted with 11 jezoints.............,I kind of like the girl. roach