
Discussion in 'General' started by dynasty, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. http://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4755

    here's a few of my favorites:
    Q: Which dinosaur is the largest?

    A: The biggest dinosaur is probably ultrasauros. We only have a few bones of this late Jurassic (140 million years ago) plant-eater from Colorado, but the bones show an animal who was six-stories high and may have weighed more than 50 tons. A four-legged plant-eating dinosaur found recently in Argentina, argentinasaurus, may have been even heavier than ultrasauros. If it was a brachiosaur like ultrauros then it probably was the biggest, but if it was a titanosaur, another kind of big plant-eater common in South America, it wouldn't have been so bulky. Q: Which dinosaurs were bigger - plant-eaters or meat-eaters?
    A: Plant-eaters by far. T. rex and giganotosaurus, the biggest meat-eaters, were 7 or 8 tons and 45 feet long. The biggest plant-eaters were100 tons and 110 feet long!
    Q: What is the smartest dinosaur? What dinosaur had the largest brain? The smallest brain?
    A: The smartest dinosaur, if you compare body size to brain size (a rough measurement of intelligence) is troodon. Troodon was a meat-eater the size of a man, with a brain as big as an avocado pit. It was not only the smartest dinosaur, but the smartest animal of dinosaur times, including our ancestors - the mammals of the Mesozoic Era. The biggest brained dinosaur of all was probably T. rex, since it was such a huge animal. Its brain was about as big as ours but it was many times bigger than us. Stegosaurus was a tiny-brained dinosaur compared to its size. Its brain wasn't much bigger than a ping pong ball and its body was the size of a truck.
    Q: Which dinosaur has the longest neck?
    A: The longest necked dinosaur was the 90-foot mamenchisaurus, a four-legged plant-eater from China. Its neck alone was 32 feet long - nearly as long as a school bus.

  2. Dinosaurs! Oh, I miss that show. I loved it as a kid. :D
  3. That show scared the shit out of me as a kid
  4. :laughing: That show was so great.
  5. that picture was clutch. +rep. LOVED that show.

  6. aha, Sorry, But you gave me a good laugh. Dinosaurs! FTW
  7. It scared the shit out of me as an ADULT.
  8. I used to watch that show, it was not one of my favorites, but I did watch mostly all the episodes. Oh, and I hated that baby. I really, really did. So to all who loved the baby, BAH!
  9. Not the momma! *whack*
  10. I watched that show. Mmmm....warm childhood memories....
  11. Fucjk yea I used to watch that show all the time, I loved it.

    Buut I completely forgot that it even existed until like a year ago. When I saw something about it on the internet I Freaked out becaues I had compeltely forgot abou ti.

    Fantastic show, even though I remember it naught.

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