Digging Deep...

Discussion in 'General' started by jlh2345, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. Think of it this way; You're about to walk into a room and someone tells you it's an office and to write down objects that you see. You enter the room and it's a very plain room with random objects, you write down all the objects you see that you'd see in almost every office, but you do not for some reason write down the other objects that seem to not be in a regular office...

    Our entire knowledge or belief systems are a system of overlapping constructs, even our notion of a world outside of our constructs, which leads to an interesting dilemma. Much of what our constructs are based on, are not even rooted in primary experience or observation, but in what we are told or what we infer from other constructs and experiences.

    Now think about your belief systems…constructs…what elements have you unconsciously added to your constructs that are not actually representative of what you think you know? And can you correct your constructs and remove those items that were fabricated and add those that are missing? Probably, but to what extent?

    I suggest getting high before thinking about this... :smoke:
  2. Idaho must be really fucking boring.
  3. boredom never enters my mind.
  4. He's too busy digging potatoes out of the ground????
  5. She* Why does Idaho seem boring to outsiders? It's a great place to live. Kind people, beautiful scene. And it's cheap. Also, Idaho exports more onions than potatoes. :rolleyes:
  6. #6 Randy Marsh, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2011
    oh shit!!!
  7. Idaho is boring...unless stoned.
  8. What chair?
  9. Idaho?

    No. You da hoe.

    ba da tshhh

  10. Far out. someone must of divided by 0.


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