I'm not an experienced smoker, nor an active one. I have some now and then at parties but I'm interested starting up some more. I've read up alot on cannabis, but one thing has been bothering me. I live in Sweden, and we (as everybody else) have several different slangs and terms for hemp. Is there a difference between hasch, weed and marijuana? I know the difference between sativa and indica and that there are several different mixes of them that produces different qualities and effects of cannabis. But most people I talk with are all "I've done marijuana, but not hasch since it's not good" and stuff like that. Sounds like ignorance to me, but who am I to judge? Thanks in advance! -European
Weed and marijuana are the same thing...the green flowering tops of the plant. Hash is a solid block made from just the most potent parts (resin glands) of the flowers. If done right, it is far more potent than weed itself. Welcome to the boards!
weed, marijuana, sinsemilla are all names for the bud part of the Cannabis plant. Hash is an extract of THC, there's a couple different ways to make hash.