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different highs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by killakay, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. i burned a bowl in the woods today on a highke and got way higher cuz i lost my lighter last night and had to use matches. any similar experiences?
  2. it could have been since it was shake from dank nugs, thus higher thc + resin possiblemente
  3. Probably not from the matches, i think it would stem from your high and being in a different area. Do you normally smoke in the woods?

    Whenever I smoke in a different location I get intense highs, or when I'm with more people, all because of the change in location and the situations going on around me.

  4. Same, actually. Once I smoked in the woods at night and I felt crazy stoned and disoriented because it was already so hard to see. I smoked probably twice as much the next day when it was bright out and I didn't feel nearly as high.

    It could very likely have to do with the fact that you're smoking dank shake though. My shake always gets me wayy higher than my nugs.
  5. Yeah I walk in these woods all the time but I haven't blazed in them in a year or so so that's it most likely.

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