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Difference between dank mids and schwagg

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CaliKid858, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. So im new to smoking and was wondering what the difference between dank mids and schwagg was i live in SO CAL and have only heard the word dank before
  2. dank= good
    schwag = shit
  3. Dank is the highest rank of weed. It smells really strong covered in hairs and trichomes.
    Headies come in between mids and dank. Mids are mid-grade and schwagg is on the bottem of the chain. Its nasty looking, brown and has a weak smell.
  4. thanks for the answers
  5. No prob bruh
    welcome to the wonderful world of Mary Jane :smoke:

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