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Did I mess up my weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ByTheOcean, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. I got some weed in dime bags a few weeks ago. When I was getting them, the smell coming from the dime bags was very strong....I could smell the weed through the bag. I then put the dime bags in a bag inside my backpack and just left them there for like a week, occasionally smoking some. Now I just went back to smell some of the bags, and the smell is gone. Does that mean that it's losing potency because I'm not storing the weed right???
  2. Yes it is drying out. It might loose a little potency but very little. The best store it is in mason jars or just a airtight glass jar.
  3. What keepit said.
  4. I keep mine in a peaches jar... works like a charm.

  5. pear jar here, :D
  6. Ragu Alfredo Sauce jar here! Hard glass that next to never breaks and seals great.. Also have had a few friends swear by film canisters or old prescrip bottles.

  7. [​IMG]

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