Did I kill my seeds?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Brocktree, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Okay, so basically I purchased 10 autoflower seeds. To germinate them, I left them in water overnight and planned to move them, but they still looked the exact same and hadn't sunk. The water hadn't penetrated because I didn't "rough up" the seeds like I should have, I guessed. I remember seeing a video about using a matchbox. Anyways, I decided to then use the paper towel method, and used a heating blanket with the seeds in the bag which was in an eyeglasses container. I had my temperature meter in there, well I left it on too long and checked back in 6 hours and the temp had malfunctioned and the screen was kind of messed up and it was physically very hot to the touch and the seeds were hotter. The temperature read 140degrees. Now I've read that that's the temperature that kills the seeds. I planted them in the pots and am hoping for the best, but do you guys think they have a chance? It's been 3 days since I put them in the pots and nothing yet.
  2. Time will tell... Often varying seeds will often live through those temperatures. Compost heaps will get up to around 160 on a good thermal heap and this doesn't always kill weed seeds...

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  3. Thank you Jerry. I guess i'll just have to wait it out. By the way, I read some of your stuff on organic growing, it was pretty interesting. I think i'm going to look into it more once I become more accustomed to growing after a few harvests.
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