Well..the time has come. I've been using various drugs since 10 (20 now) and for awhile I could manage it..sorta. I hate admitting this but I am addicted to being high. I don't care what it is..but I need to be high at least a couple times a day. If I don't have weed, pills, hard, ice...something..then my days are shitty. I remember when I could watch TV or just chill somewhere sober..and be totally content. Now I always think about when or what drug I want to get next. The money isn't a big issue..not bragging but I make enough to support my habbit plus some. That still doesn't justify the amount I spend on drugs. I could have saved thousands by now if I didn't let a habbit control my actions. Theres no way I'm quitting forever..I love marijuana and I refuse to believe a plant can control me. However I do need a break..I've let all these drugs I've been taking turn into a mental addiction. This was a really hard decision for me to make...I really didn't want to even begin thinking about it. I'm sure in a couple months once I get my shit straightened out I'll be able to smoke some but no more smokin 2-3gs a day. It's just not worth it. Oh but don't worry..I won't be leaving the city. I'll still be here to give everyone shit Any support is always appreciated..but I got this on my own.
good luck man. ive been thinkin about doin this for quite awhile. i quit the opiates but now have a big benzo problem. its gunna b tuff but we can both do it man.
yeah cutty, this addict status sucks. Im on day 4 or 5 of no opiates and my mind is starting to lose the NEED feeling. I still think about it and want to get high, but i can control that alot better than the first 1-3 days. Shit dont help that i love opies so much, but i just got back from the chiropractor and FUCK my back is in like the worst condition i could of imagined..aka horrible pain alllll day. So not only WD's, but legit pain as well. fuck. good luck, you can do it if ya wanna.
Good luck to you brother I have been doin extremley well, within the last 4 months Ive only smoked weed with a few breaks and I have used opiates like 5 times. Once you break the addiction its so easy to fall back so becareful
On the same boat. Just I'm still smokin and such. Done with white stuff and smack. I've been good for a little while already. It's hard as hell. But I'm right here with ya if you need any help or anything.
Its good you have self control tho man. Just dont give in and remember you dont have to have it its just all in your head.
Fuck, I realized that I should be quitting to. I've started to get high from fucking anything now. Ambien, fucking Vicodin (such a weak high), I was pretty close to trying Dyphenhydramine. I have hookups for shrooms and acid and everything under the sun and the money to do it, I just have been feeling so 'foggy' lately. It's shit, fuck it it's for the better. Here I wait till the 13th of October.
Good for you man, it's a tough decision to make and one that's even harder to follow through on. Good luck!
good to see uve taken responsibility for your actions, i say that in a non derogatory way. I wish the best for u and hope to still see u pokin around the forums
I shouldn't be smoking cause i'm looking for a job. But man i can't quit now, i've only really be doing drugs daily like 4 months ago. If i had a job i'd probably be askin my dealer for some acid/shrooms/salvia. I love the physco drugs so much, dxm, Dephenhydramine, weed.. And i'm still balancing school so i'm good.
good luck man, i hate having to go sober but you have to do it once in a while, you have my support man. just be determined +rep for the life evaluation
Thx everyone for the words. They are helping. The depressions startin to kick in. It's as if drugs stole my ability to be happy without them. Don't fall in the deep end guys..it's very difficult to get back out of. If you feel your becoming dependent then take a look at your life..do you plan on doin drugs forever? If not then I suggest quitting as soon as possible. It's not like it gets easier the longer you take them. Hardest thing I had to do was flush $200 worth of xo's and 30 2mg bars down the toilet. I would have "given them to a friend" but I needed to make a mental point. Some of you may have read my previous threads. Mom has cancer and it was getting better but we found out a week ago she has to restart cemo. Watching your mom cry as she brushes chunks of hair out...that shit just hurts a man. Dads busted his ass to keep all the bills paid. I'm just ramblin here, bottom line. Life is far..far from fair and it never will be. If we don't go after what we want then it's not gonna show up on our doorstep. You have to go get it. I'm done with this gang life. My eyes are finally open..theres nothing in it. Anyone in a gang is just being fooled. Unless your a G or OG then your just a throwaway..they don't give a fuck if you live or die. Whats that say about your friends? Ya know what they say..when it rains..it pours. A lot of us need to grow up. The screwing off as a kids was ok when we were 13..but we're not 13 anymore. It's either quit my boys now or be dead in 10 years..max. I don't want that..I wan't a family with a legit job (got one already). This banging shit is just so fucking stupid. People are so angry they form cliques just to beat the shit outta other cliques..that's not a man. It's a boy who never grew up. I know theres members here who do this shit..it aint hidden...I see yalls colors. Fuck where your from..get out. Fuck your so called "homies" who would shoot you point blank if given the order. A man works for his money he doesn't steal it. Kids just wanna be cool now days...they think robbing someone for all they got is ok...well it's not. It makes you a pussy cause you can't put that gun down. I've been there 10 times and back so I aint blowin steam. These little thugs wanna fit in with a group they see as cool..not knowing what they're gonna have to do. I'm talkin 8 year old kids packin. I know everyones gonna stay with their cliques for those who have one..prolly think I'm spittin bull..but I promise you your no scarface..your a goat. Your gonna make a mistake one day and pay for it with your life..that's the only payment we accept...no credits. Here I am ramblin on again. Just please everyone look at your situations. Are you happy? If not then do somethin about it..don't fucking TRY to do shit..do it.
This has to be the smartest thing I've seen posted lately and the truest. I've got a lot of respect for you and I believe that you can get through all this shit man. Life throws a lot at you but you gotta keep going, you gotta keep fighting. I wish you nothing but the best.
Best of luck to your bro. Glad you wont be quitting the herb forever though. Good thing you are putting priorities first. Hell ya bro.