Hi first time grower here was given a couple clones and have planted in pots moving indoors overnight for cool Canadian early summer. One of the clones came with brown spots that seem to be getting worse. I researched online and closest I could figure was mag deficiency but I really don’t know. New leaflets have white spots that I think will become brown. I sprayed with diluted epsom salt but again not sure of issue. Other pic is of what looks like a healthy clone to me. Input and advice is appreciated! Thanks!
Not sure how to test ph will have to research, pot is smallish, need to transplant I guess soon. Maybe 1.5 to 2 litres pots?
You can get test strips, or a ph pen to check your soil slurry with. Below is what ph you are going for.
So unfortunately one plant is getting worse, still not sure what’s going on? Anyone got anymore insights, doing same thing to both plants and one is going okay although I do see some discoloured leaves which is making me nervous
Possibly repot in 3 gallon fabric pots. Your soil looks like it's really wet, and by the discoloration of the perlite it may be water logged. Then you can check for root rot while you're repotting.
Okay so I transplanted and things seem to be on track! Couple more questions......for the experienced growers: 1. Given that it is late in the season would you still top? 2. One plant is showing yellowing, N deficiency? 3. When should I switch to 12/12 light? If I wait for Mid Sept to naturally start flowering, a 60 day development time puts finishing well into frost and start of snowfall? As always, appreciate advice from the experts!