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Desperate Help For Hair Test

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by e-long-stick, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. #1 e-long-stick, Mar 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2015
    When will my hair begin to grown clean (thc free)? I hear people say 7-10days after last smoke session, but what about the thc metabolites stored in your body? Wont those effect the hair making it grow dirty until your WHOLE body/system is cleansed?
    \n\nIm a 22yr old male that is 5'10'' tall and weigh 112lbs. Im f***ing skinny. lol. and I eat like a horse and drink plenty of water.
    \nOh, and I smoked daily about 3 times a day for a year before I quit

  2. My understanding is that your hair will continue to grow with the thc metabolites in them as long as thc is stored in your body, and will grow clean when your body naturally uses up the thc.

    I may be wrong, but that's my guess. How long it takes to flush out of your body depends entirely on you, and your hair will follow
  3. Shave... EVERYTHING
  4. I've read the detection period from hair test is like monthsss like 6 months or something like that. It stays in your hair longer than any other part of your body, correct me if I'm wrong but I think it goes out your blood first than to your fat cells,and lastly the longest is the hair, good luck cheers

    -Appreciate what you got cause one day it can all be gone-
  5. Hair tests can't find it over a year old. If the hair growing when you were smoking then you'll test positive. So cut your hair

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