Depression over a bitch

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HittingBud, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. I was to in the same situation before, it really sucks because I let my self get dependent on her, I'd compare it to someone becoming addicted to a drug. I even wanted to be with her more than I wanted to be with my close friends and anybody else I knew. We only dated for 10 months (she was my first love). Time can heal trust me, I'd thought the depression consuming me would eventually take me over and destroy me. I even held a knife to my throat. Looking back on it I realized how stupid I was. It's been a month or two since I finally found myself and achieved getting over her and could find peace. I'm currently with another girl (helped me get over the last one). I'm doing fairly good, I still have personal problems but they're a lot easier to cope with now that I do not think about her constantly. Just keep on trying bro things will eventually get better it just takes time.
  2. It takes time dude. You'll get over her eventually. It took me a while to get over my recent ex, but I did it, and so can you.

    My ex before that took me almost a year to get over. That was fucking brutal, just keep your chin up and find some things to keep you occupied and your mind off her
  3. Along similar lines, maybe look into the subject of codependency - it is very frequently misunderstood in some assuming that topic is limited to "being too dependent on another". There is a lot to this, but if you really want to get better, check it out. Also, Byron Katie is an excellent source for a process called "The Work". The Work will help you identify your power and take responsibility for what has happened so that you can move on.

    I will say that it took me a good six months to get over a gal who I grew really close too. When I quit smoking pot for a couple of those months a lot of emotion that I thought I had already worked through surfaced again, so I got to do it all again. Anyways, as much as it seems like it would suck, I'd consider dropping the 420 for a little while to fully process everything that has happened.

    A concept that remains dear to me is that there is only "Now". We cannot change what happened, and yesterday doesn't even exist but in the warped manifestations of our memories. We cannot control tomorrow and we get to choose how we are or how we feel about that which is around us. All there is is "NOW", if now is sad, or depressing, try to flip that around. No matter what your environment and surroundings will be, they are as they are. How we feel about them or how we feel about ourselves commonly boils down to the thoughts that we are having that we subconsciously choose to believe.

    Anyways, thats my .02!

  4. Move on dear and forget her she is your past.
  5. Realize that’s not gonna be the only time you’ll get hurt like that. And just move on and try you best to be happy. I know it is so hard with depression. Just try and laugh more please. Please keep your head up and realize we gotta keep living

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  6. I liked the ''fuck that bitch'' advice.

    No woman No cry.

  7. Things do get better bud.
    My GF of 2 years had been cheating on me while I visited my mother in hospital over 6 months,I found out the day I watched my mother die,that was a hard time,I hit a downward spiral,I was on weed,coke,drink,acid,speed,anything to keep my mind off things,my uncle died shortly after that,then my brother had kidney failure,then my best friend hung himself.
    Now I have been with the same woman for almost 18years,have 5 kids,my dog,a good paying job,moved country,and couldn't be happier(unless I won the lottery lol).
    Keep your chin up,and focus on your future rather than hitting that downward spiral because its a c*nt to get back out of that place.
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  8. lol, these replies to a six year old thread.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. oh man i am the best at that
    Thread is not locked so...

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