
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by DANK_TANK, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. hey guys whats up, im just about to start my new grow but it will be in a apt complex.
    kinda crappy neighborhood so im not to to worried about people calling the cops about weed smells, but just to be safe ya know well anyways

    does anyone have expirence using using the excellofizz?

    and and what about deodorizers that attach to fans?
    ive read about them but first hand expirence is the best.

    thanks alot guys any advice is appreciated :D
  2. bumpp for quick answers.
  3. Don't have any experiance but I am in the same situation as you and am just tagging along. I would think anything is better than nothing, ya know?
  4. yeah man i hear ya, we have to take all the precautions when growing especailly in a confined space.

    ive been searching the internet and it looks like for a small time grow op that the excellofizz looks good. Excellofizz CO2 Kit | CO2 Enrichment=
    theres a warranty on it so it must be somewhat legit.
    its 50.00 tho.

    theres some other companies to if you wanna check them out
    odor killer.
    ona. Vaportek all seem to be legit too.

    i just wouldnt want harsh chemicals from spray deodorizers to fuck with my plants
  5. excellofizz looks interesting. i might do some searches on that later. want co2 for my next grow but can't afford the setup right now.

    as for smell just buy an inline fan and buy/make a carbon filter for it. go to google and search "marine blower" for a cheap inline fan and search DIY carbon filter for a do it your self filter.
  6. yeah the carbon set up i have, even tho its not in use cost me roughly 35.
    how much do inline fans usually cost?

    this recession has me on a tight budget lol
  7. I just googled both of those and you just solved my ventilation/odor problem. I didn't know you could buy carbon pads in large sections like that. A little D-I-Y work and you can get an in-line fan, tubing, and carbon filter that will only cost $60-$70! Thanks:hello:

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