democracy vs socialism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. #81 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm not sure. That's not enough information for me to make an informed decision and vote.
  2. #82 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Because I agree somewhat with certain aspects of socialist thinking and I continued to post because I despise the type of ignorant generalisations being made about it in this thread. I'm not trolling. I posted before you did if I remember right, so why did you join?

  3. it isn't a vote it's a moral belief, can 99 people tell you to kill yourself for the majority, that's socialism. do you agree with that philosophy? you either do or you do not.
  4. The nazis are actually a shining example of socialism. But instead of taking away the right to own your own business from everyone, they just picked the jews. Anyone who resisted, was put in a concentration camp or kicked out of the country. Socialism rocks!
  5. #85 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's not my view of socialism. That's more like capital punishment.

  6. Please share your view of socialism.....
  7. #87 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's genocide not socialism. :rolleyes:
  8. #88 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I view socialism as a good thing when done in moderation and in conjunction with other political concepts such as democracy.

  9. what's democratic in redistributing goods, whoever has accumulated this most throughout his life will always end up with the least.

  10. Please study german history. They took away private rights from the jews way before the holocaust started. And how else do you take away private property from a group of people who don't want to give it up?

  11. Like what? What parts should be socialized and what parts a democracy?
  12. #92 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I have studied German history and fascism and authoritarianism and a dictatorship, etc.
  13. #93 Verdurous, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No, don't separate the things. Use them in conjunction.
  14. so since my spelling is bad i dont know other stuff

    k dont listen to me

    im going to talk anyway
  15. You can't follow our Constitution and have institutions and regulations on the Federal level. If you want a Socialist state, I'm fine with that.

    I'm surprised you bumped this thread, when you just made a thread saying that the OWS people have it backwards; it's not the businesses, its the government. When you say "business is the source of all evil" in this very thread.
  16. The Nazi Partys name is the National Socialist Party. Open up a history book.
  17. ok let me clarify then

    big buisness is evil. i didnt change that. evil and fault are different.

    its us and our governments "fault" for letting "evil" corperations get what they want

    the enemy is the corperations, but we cant fight them without the government
  18. you win this one >.>
  19. [quote name='"James2912"']The Nazi Partys name is the National Socialist Party. Open up a history book.[/quote]

    Although, National Socialism =/= socialism. The two shouldn't be confused. Two different concepts there. :smoke:
  20. #100 Outis, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2011
    They used the term 'socialist' as an attempt to garner the support of workers. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic (to any meaningful extent) nor is it by any stretch of the imagination a "People's Republic". It is a twisted form of despotism where the Kim family is worshiped.

    Some basic tenets of socialism:

    • Means of production held in common ownership (not government ownership)
    • Industries coordinated cooperatively
    • Absolute worker self-management, ex. no managers or bosses or "Fuhrerprinzip"
    • Economy controlled democratically or by consensus
    • Abolition of private property (not personal property!!!!! you can keep your couch, nobody wants it)

    Open up a history book, yourself. Where was all of this in Nazi Germany?

    Further, the NSDAP was a staunchly anti-communist party that combined Fascism with German mythology, radical anti-semitism*, and territory reclamation on fucking steroids**, whereas socialism, or as Marx originally referred to it - the lower phase of communism - and yes, socialism predates Marx but differed somewhat from his interpretation as the word itself was used synonymously with communism, is a stepping stone to communism.

    The Strasser brothers did want to actually emphasize the 'socialist' part of the name, somehow tacking it in with anti-semitism and radical German nationalism (which would preclude it from being called socialism as socialism's an internationalist movement). However as a result of going against the main party ideology, Otto Strasser was expelled from the party in 1930. Gregor Strasser was murdered in the 1934 NSDAP purges.

    * Fascism does not necessarily include anti-semitism. It is at its core a rabidly nationalist ideology. The original interpretation of Fascism in Italy included the idea of 'you're Italian or you're not.' Many Italian Jews supported the Italian Fascist party and Mussolini, as the nationalists had previously secured their rights against aggressors.
    ** Fascism as Mussolini envisioned included some territory reclamation, but obviously Mussolini, Pinochet, and Franco weren't rabidly expansionist like Hitler.

    Some differences between socialism and communism ...

    • Communism precludes government and national borders, socialism does not. This means there is no state!
    • Remnants of classes may still exist in socialism, these are eliminated completely in communism. All people are equal.
    • Elimination of currency, and along with it the profit motive, wage labor, and the remnants of the entire concept of 'capital'
    • Economy directed partially democratically or by consensus (for what are deemed necessities by a given community or society), partially at-will (whatever the hell you want to do)
    • Distribution of necessities according to need, workers contribute according to their ability.

    I highly suggest you learn your history before you associate these crazy fuckers with socialism and, by extension, communism. And no, the USSR was neither socialist nor communist, before you accuse me of defending one murderer - Stalin - while denouncing another - Hitler. Lenin was a capitalist in disguise, and Stalin sucked at hiding it. The only one remotely communist - and that's a stretch - was Trotsky, and he was expelled from the USSR and later assassinated by Stalin's orders while living in Mexico.

    Oh, and like in my signature ... Albert Einstein was a socialist. Don't believe me? Look up the article "Why Socialism?" ... written by Einstein for the first issue of Monthly Review, a Marxist periodical, in 1949. Although Einstein seems to advocate a planned economy, keep in mind this is covered under "democratically-controlled or consensus-controlled" economy.

    [edit] - Actually, here you go:

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