In June 2009 I was on a cruise to the Bahamas. I was having a helluva time, but thought a little weed would make it even better. Me and another kid I met from NC were talking to a newlywed couple and they told us they had scored an eighth when we had landed at Nassau. They had rolled a 2 g blunt of the stuff and couldn't even finish half of it! They offered to smoke us out that night. Later that evening we all meet up by the pools and head to the back of the ship. We had to find a spot without cameras or a lot of human traffic. We found a nice cozy stairwell right on the ass of the ship. We sparked the blunt and smoked as we watched the lights of Nassau fade into the distance. I got higher than I had in a long time. It was definitely a great trip. Later that week I was staying in St. Augustine FL. It was about ten o'clock at night and I wanted to go for a walk down the mainroad. As I reached a Burger King I noticed a pickup truck with a few kids hanging round it. I thought "what the hell" and approached them. I asked them if that had any smoke and at first they looked at me warily. I guess a tall, fat kid with long hippie hairand sideburns screamed COP! to them, but eventually they relaxed and sold me a bag for ten bucks. Another great night