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defying the laws of science while high.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonedpenguin, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. examples: this guy was throwing a pen in the air and after a while it just never came back down.
    this guy was drinking from a wine glass upside down and it didn't spill.
    the light in the bathroom at taco bell wouldn't turn off no matter which way we flipped the switch.
    i plugged in new headphones into my ipod, which was paused, and music started to play, but it was a song i'd never heard before and it wasn't the one that was displayed on my screen..
    DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN TO ANYONE ELSE?! I honestly think it has to do with the apocalypse, everything's off balance.
  2. the pen went out of the spectrum of your view
    Was the glass of wine upside down, or the drinker? If the glass wasnt, of course it didnt spill.... if your saying the glass was, your obviously too high to see upside down or right side up
    The light in the taco bell bathroom is obviously a conspiracy, dont eat there, you will get fat and die
    Ipods have mystical powers to play random music, everyone knows that, technology messing up is more common than air

    Mysteries solved lol
  3. noooo! 1. the pen was NO WHERE in the room!
    2. he was lying down and the glass was straight upside down.
    3. lol
    4. no but my ipod was on pause AND i didn't own the song that was playing!

  4. [​IMG]

  5. :| are you mocking me by chance..

  6. lol what are the chances someone has a picture about broken light switches...
  7. #7 AlexanderTheGr8, Mar 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2011
    Wow... I'm tempted to just call this one a troll.. if he didn't have 140 posts already.

    Seriously? Do you really think because you are high - a chemical reaction in your brain - you and your friends can defy the laws of "science?" The icing on the cake is you don't stop there. You end your post stating, "I honestly think it has to do with the apocalypse"

    Fucking really? Imagine the level of mind that must of wrote this.


  8. [​IMG]

  9. omg trippy

    first off, i'm not a "he", secondly, how else do you explain it?
  10. hes just having a little fun i lol'd at OP's post

    what defies science is weed and carpets i feel like everytime i drop weed in the carpet it somehow fuses together at the point of impact never to be found again :(
  11. Mystery solved boys.

  12. /thread
  13. lmfao i lol'd
  14. Oh nonononono... IT'S not on our team!

    ...thanks a lot.:mad:
  15. I bet when you're high, the laws of gravity won't apply to you, so find a really tall building, and walk off, you'll just be standing on the air like Wile E Coyote.
  16. Oh shit, i giggle'd thank thee.
  17. I wish when i got high that i could be telekinetic and have Brain control. LOL
  18. So under the influence of Marijuana the laws of physics change which means they are now no longer valid...Stephen Hawking is going to be so pissed. That's all his life's work down the drain. I bet Sagan knew about this he was always the jokester.

  19. [​IMG]

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