My friendly neighborhood ganja dealer just got busted with 2 pounds. This man is a good friend of mine and the best dank dealer I have ever had.He has a wife and to kids that count on him for support, and I am trying to figure out a way to help him,I was thinking about setting something up online to take donations for his legal defense, which will cost a lot of money and the best way to get his charges reduced is to get a good lawyer,and the more money you have the better the lawyer you can get.I am new here and I was just hoping some of you could give me some information on how to go about doing this,and also ,I would assume a lot of you here know a good deal about our rights so I was hoping some of you could give some advice about how to deal with the police who are trying to get him to snitch on other people which he will not do. Please let me know what you think and what you would do.
why would anyone donate, also you can tell this is copy and pasted so im guessing your just spamming this on various message boards to get money for yourself
Your friend can deal with it on his own. If he had 2 lbs., he should have some $$ stashed for a lawyer. If not...well he isn't too bright. Maybe he should have had a day job instead of being a "dank dealer". We help the seriously ill and those in need of medicinal marijuana, not "dank dealers" in neighborhoods. They are on their own. We are compassionate, but not stupid. Have a nice day.
Wow you guys are harsh I composed the beginning of the thread in my note pad then copied and pasted it, I just recently found out about this site and figured I would get some input from the community here I guess I have, I am not taking donations, I removed my e-mail address from the posting to prove it. I just had an idea and wanted some feedback. I would also like to say that my dealer that got busted was a full-time gainfully employed tax paying citizen with 2 kids whose wife does not work so she can look after their children, he mostly dealt to his friends and he never inflated his prices, people like him take risks so that I can smoke dank in a state where it is illegal. I just think maybe the people who love weed should start protecting the people who risk their freedom to provide us with it.
What is wrong with all you pot smokers? You need to have more respect for your dealers. How do you think the pot gets to you? Dealers take a major risk in selling pot and they don't really make that much money. If they did not take that risk you would not have any pot to smoke.
I look forward to the day when all the street dealers are out of business and I can buy licensed and regulated weed from a store.
Ha you obviously dont deal lol....dealers make bank! alright....thats why they deal it makes them more than a job with even double the amount of hours couldnt make them.... small time dealers even make a real good amount of money...2oz could profit anywhere from 200-400 depending on price, area, and how much is sold at once so just imagine how much could be made off 2 pounds!.....profit margin for dealing is 25-45%.....thats a fuckin damn good turn around if you ask me...also you dont have to be good at your job...pot sells itself now i do have respect for my dealers and i know the risk they take but theyre the ones making that decision knowing what could happen. If the OP asked all the "close friends" that his dealer sells to for donations that would make a little bit of sense but asking people who have nothing to do with this guy for donations is way out the window....also in order for this website to exist in peace from the authorities everything on here must be for informational purposes only so us donating to a legit dealer could get this website in said before a mod should close and delete this thread
I'm with you fonzi03. I used to deal and at one point I was making over $3000 a week. I never said you can't make money selling pot. Marijuana dealers don't make as much as people think though. Look at how much coke dealers make. I know coke dealers who make over $2000 per night meeting the same number of people as I did in a night. IMO the pay does not equal the risk and that is why I no longer deal. Like I said they take a risk to get you your pot and they deserve respect.
It depends where you are and what you sell. The average crack dealer in chicago makes around $3.30 an hour and is more likely to die in a given year than a death row inmate. That is working for a gang though. You can probably make a lot more if you are self employed in a rich suburb.
Of course an indepedent bussiness man will make more. With an organization you have to worry about everyone above you getting there cut, then you get yours. Plus the high/mid level guys don't give a fuck if you get busted, they will replace you the next day.
Yep. One of the few books that I have really enjoyed. I recommend it to everyone. There is no political correctness. It's just the truth backed up with hard data. The same authors just came out with another one which I picked up recently but haven't read yet.