
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by New Guy 1, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. i am thinking of a place that is in the depths of the wilderness where deer are every where....... do deer eat marijuana ???
  2. not tryin to be an ass but are you serious?
  3. Lets put it this way. Deer eat tree leaves (pretty much anything green) and bark sometimes they also rub on anything vertical. Does that answer your question?
  4. Animals will tend to trample, or eat the grow. Apparently people have success in warding them off by peeing all around their grow site, or purchasing some sent stuff that does the same thing, but releases the sent over a period of time.

    The next animal that will tend to eat your grow in the forest would be insects. For that reason order some lady bug (as well as i've heard praying mantis) eggs. and put them where you want to grow.
  5. Last year the deer RAPED me, and unfortunately for me i live in an area where i can't hide my plants from them, so this yr i'm going to try to put up high strength fishing line (40 lb spyder wire) around existing trees or steaks. it is supposed to work pretty good from what i've been reading in the forums, and it is also very low profile which is a huge plus.
  6. What about using some deer repellant?
    Or, forget that, just take a piss around the area, deer have great noses and will smell your piss from a mile away, they generally won't go near it.

  7. I grow outside where deer will not stop for anything to eat a bud plant... anyway, over the years i learned to put up tomato cages, and then piss about 20yards in a big circle around my plants... it was advice from an old school grower an it worked.. Now deer don't mess with my plants. its also a good idea to hunt where your going to plant them the winter before... :wave:
  8. Never have a problem with deer just humans!
  9. cool thanks everyone for help.. i never thought about the piss ea..
  10. They make deer netting, comes in up to 12 feet in height I believe, and is virtually invisible from more than 5 feet away....Google it.
  11. Deer are a problem here but do not seem to eat plants which are well along in the flower stage. They will make short work of vegging plants, however. Human or canine urine tends to repel them. Here in Canada we have a product called Skoot sold as an animal repellent. It seems to work well but has dire warnings not to drink alcohol when using it, something about bad reactions. Perhaps a google search will tell you more.
  12. Sounds like a solution..:rolleyes:
  13. has anyone ever heard of burring fish near grow sites so coyotes will come and then deer will be afraid to go near your crops because of the coyote sent ? ?
  14. not a bad idea especially if there are a lot of coyotes in the area, and no wolves, bears and other predatory animals that might stick around to get a meal instead of just a snack.
  15. im going to try it out and see how it goes. ill post next september !!
  16. A lawn product called Morganite (avail @ Home Dep, Agway, etc) works as a deer repellent- made from sewer treatment sludge. REALLY WORKS- keeps them out of your hosta, too. When plants are young I put a cylinder of turkey wire aound them to keep rabbits away, and some slug stuff, and the Morganite.
    These are things that evolved over a few grows and seem essential in my area. Once the plants are a couple feet high they are no longer attractive as browse.

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