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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Deleted member 1041213, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. I tried to decarb 2 grams of bud at 225° for 30 minutes and then in peanut butter for 20 minutes at 300° . I ate half a gram and it should've done something, but nothing. I guess decarb didn't go long enough.

    My questions are can I decarb again for half the time?

    And I have this awesome electric grill with the lid that comes down like a Foreman but better. It has a temp gauge setting with a preheat light. Also the top and bottom plates have a ridge around them that kind of seals it. If I make a foil packet and set that thing to 250° for 20 minutes should it be good? I have a feeling the temp on that thing is pretty accurate. Thoughts?
  2. I got a thermometer in there testing it now...

  3. An alternative to firecrackers that I'm using with good success:

    Decarb 40 min @ 240f. Finely grind a small bud in grinder or by whatever means available. Place ~50-60 mg in a size 1 capsule and tamp firmly (will be about half full). Finish filling with a carrier oil, MCT, olive oil, grape seed, etc. Should take about ten drops. Allow to rest for a few hours and enjoy.

    Firecrackers have been hit or miss for me. This system has yet to dissapoint.
  4. Effectively you made a firecracker, and it should've been very potent.
    Air decarb @ 225 F requires about 1h 15m, so you decarbed about halfway in air.
    20 min in oil or peanut butter @ 300 should've completed the decarb.
    Air decarb at that temp is about 5 min, but oil decarb takes longer.
    It's also possible that your oven's thermometer is way off, and that could've ruined the herb.
    I have made firecrackers using similar methods, and they were very potent.

    Eliminating some variables might allow you to figure out what happened.
    A simpler, more reliable method is
    (1) Decarb @ 240 F for 40 min
    (2) Grind to fine powder
    (3) Mix into the peanut butter and eat
    Cooking in a bit of lecithin for a few minutes at low heat might help.
    I usually set my mixture on the computer router for a few hours, but I'm not sure it makes much difference.

    It's hard to know exactly what happened, but I'd guess bad oven or bad herb.
  5. I was using a brand new thermometer. I don't know.
  6. #6 Quantary, Mar 31, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    If you have access to even a toaster oven it would seem a better option than the grill, unless you finely grind the herb first, and spread it out evenly. If you don't grind it fully, only the outer layer would be decarbed completely as the inner core of the flower would be insulated by the surrounding herb.

    The other method that works very well if you don't have an oven is putting your herb sealed in a mason jar in a double boiler. If you can find a canning pot, just put the mason jar in the strainer and close the lid. Once the water is at a boil start the clock. The temperature will be at around 200° F, and the time will vary from 2-3 hours, not including warm up and cool down time.

    If you save a small sample you can compare before and after. If it hasn't turned at least a light, golden brown, and there is any bright green left, then it needs more time. With trial and error I found 2 - 2.5 hrs works well.
  7. 240*F for 40 minutes in a preheated OVEN will get the consistent results you're looking for. I use a 20$ toaster oven and dialed it in with a thermometer. The toaster oven allows me to decarb outside so no stink in the house. Happy wife = happy life.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. My experience is that grinding after decarb is better.
    Unlike with dense baked goods, the interior temp of herb pieces quickly rises to equal the surface temp.
    Grinding before decarb will gunk up a grinder with sticky resin much more than grinding after.
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  9. Well, I had a gram of the decarbed bud that didn't work so I decarbed again in the oven with thermometer for 25 minutes at 240° and then 20 minutes at 275° with a bud/coconut oil mixture. I put it in capsules and a good estimate is that I've taken about .5 grams. That was an hour and fifteen minutes ago. Nothing yet. I probably fucked it all up but we'll find out in a bit. I'll start with some fresh bud tomorrow and give it another go.
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  10. Depending on what I've eaten and probably a lot of other variables I'm not aware of, I've had edibles that kick in at 45 minutes and edibles that take 2-3 hours to kick in, even when it's the same batch.

    If you were decarbing bud you tried to decarb already, it's possible you overdid it and lost some of the THC.
  11. #11 Quantary, Mar 31, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    Good point, instead of grind, I should have said break up. You can break into small pieces with your fingers, or use a pair of trimmers or scissors to cut the buds. Unlike grinders, there is little surface area for the resin to stick to - what does stick is easily removed.

    I've made thousands of edibles using whole, ground bud. A very important, overlooked step is to grind the herb up to a point (after decarb) where the particles become powderized - so small you can't see individual pieces.

    Cannabis plant matter is not easily digested being very fibrous. Large particles pass through your body partially digested - down the toilet with your hard earned cash. By powderizing, you create the maximum amount of surface area for the THC molecules to metabolize.

    The best way to do this is to 1) Cut up and decarboxylate at 240 for 40 minutes
    2) Take herb out of oven and throw in freezer for an hour
    3) Using a blade coffee grinder, finely grind the bud
    4) On very low heat, combine 1/2 - 1 tsp of coconut oil (for each eighth oz or 3.5 g) and 1 gram (1 capsule) sunflower lecithin capsule
    5) Stir until the the oil and lecithin is completely mixed
    6) Add the bud powder and mix it up thoroughly into a thick paste

    This paste can be added to any recipe, or put into capsules.and it is very potent. It takes 1/10th of a gram for a mild buzz, 1/2 gram (of dry weight flower) gets me to a 5. This is after taking it daily for 5 years.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thanks, Quandary. I essentially want capsules to take so I think I'm going to use this recipe you've given. Just one question: at what temp and for how long do you keep the lecithin, bud and oil just long enough to combine it?

    And I believe the decarb was too much. When i took it this morning it made me really sleepy. Still feel sleepy, and maybe a tiny buzz in my head. When i cop some more I'm trying this one out.
  13. #13 Quantary, Apr 1, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
    When you are combining the oil.lecithin, bud mixture, you do not want to add much heat. So the temperature should be the lowest possible setting on the burner, for the least amount of time. Just keep the heat on very low until everything is mixed so you have consistent potency.

    If you don't have capsules, you can measure the doses out by weight. Weigh the whole mixture. Refrigerate until it solidifies. Use a spoon to scoop out a small fragment and weigh it. Simple ratio calculations will tell you how much raw flower you're consuming. Then you can take that like a pill (don't chew it unless you love the taste of strong herb.) Or you could blend it in with coffee, tea, smoothies, milkshakes, etc. The paste itself can be added to all types of baked goods, (cookies are best since they cook quickly)
    Here's a general guideline for how much herb to consume per serving (of dry weight flower) as a test dose. (assuming beginning potency in the 15 - 25% range)
    Noobs - .1 - .2 gm
    Regulars -.20 - .5
    Daily smokers - .5 - . 75
    Daily dabbers .75 - 1 gm

    Some people have high very high tolerance or their systems can't get all the THC metabolized. So your mileage may vary.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Right on. Much appreciated!
  15. And that's the first time I've seen anywhere "if you're a daily smoker take .5-.75" Maybe I didn't take enough. I smoke daily but I'm new to edibles so I wasn't sure. I been taking a dose of like .25. Hard to know if you messed up or didn't take enough.
  16. Try it and report back. There are some things you can do to get THC absorbed quickly. 1) Don't eat meat or dairy for 24 hrs. 2) Work out and get your metabolism going 3) Take your edible with a high fat content post-workout meal. (for example, a muffin, peanut butter toast)
    I've had the effects start in as little a 20-30 minutes. If your digestive system is slowed down by heavy food it really affects edible uptake. Tbh I eat pretty clean (no fast food or restaurant food) 1 lb of red meat a week, lots of fiber, etc. So my tolerance is still fairly low after years of edibles.
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  17. I am new to all this; can you please tell me what is the average time for the "decarb" of product? Recipes vary from 20 minutes to one hour. Eg: The following was the winner from High Times of four separate recipes. Decarb is one hour.

    Cheers :)
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  18. Joe, I think the parameters for a good decarb are a lot wider than many are aware. 40 min @ 240f seems to be the accepted standard these days BUT there are just too many variables for one size to fit all. So many things have to be considered for the utopian decarb such as age and moisture content of your material, altitude, barometric pressure, humidity of your area, the predominant cannabinoids of the strain you're working with, etc, etc.

    From a medicinal standpoint, we're coming to the realization that the acid forms of cannabinoids offer beneficial results as well so a partial decarb isn't necessarily a bad thing unless you're primarily looking for recreational use. I think we can get a bit too anal in our quest for the holy grail of decarb.

    I'm presently enjoying the no-brainer use of my ardent lift but prior to that I always had decent results by putting my material in a sealed mason jar and placing it in a preheated 250f toaster oven for an hour. After cool down, without opening the jar, I placed it in the freezer for a couple of hours. This was in an attempt to retain terpene content. I don't have access to lab tests so I can't verify my results but I can aver there is definitely a difference in doing a sealed decarb as compared to an open decarb.

  19. Interesting, those results mirrored what I noted when I watched the videos.

    The Bad Kat's decarb was a little under (220 instead of 240) and the alcohol wash in the first method really did help with the extraction efficiency.

    Makes sense.
  20. Cheers BCDD & mook2420

    • Glass thermometer in oven for 240F.
    • Left product intact, large buds.
    • Decarb @ 240F for 20 min.
    • Took product from oven and crushed into finer dust; still moist and bright green segments.
    • Back in oven for another 20 mins @ 240F.
    • Remove product & blitzed in food processor till fine dust.
    • Mixed into cookie batter & shaped dough into biscuit shapes.
    • Back in oven @ 355 F for another 20 min.
    Not sure if I have done the right thing; should I have placed the product dust into the oil & butter, to create Cannabutter or does what I've done look OK????? The link below recommends placing the decarb product into the butter & oil for further cooking......

    • "Do not use this decarbed weed to bake in cookies, brownies, etc. In those recipes canna-butter or canna-oil is needed. Heating the decarbed weed past 300F will start degrading the THC very quickly. CBD does start to activate at those temps which is great medicinally, but it degrades quickly as well and have no information on those preparations."

    >>>>>>> Decarb Your Weed The Proper Way And Get Yourself As High As Possible Today! • r/Drugs <<<<<<<<<<<

    Thanks Joe......
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