Debunking Co2 Myths Thread?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CorpAmerica, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Im hoping someone has the thread tagged where a user tested the various DIY C02 enrichment methods in a controlled environment and basically determined that the only way to effectively use CO2 is via tank and controlled regulator at a constant 1300ppm.

    I have a buddy that seems set on running tank CO2 without a regulator during dark hours and im trying to prove just how ineffective that would be.

  2. A tank or burner/generator are the only ways to supplement co2 where it's worth while. Any other method is just a gimmick IMHO.

    Why would he want to do it at just dark hours? And not using a regulator? I think you're friend is a little foolish. Without a regulator? that could be really dangerous like for his life. Not to mention he's gonna over compensate co2 to the plants. I don't know exactly what happens if you give them too much but it can't be good. Was he planning on just leaving the tank open in his grow space? that's like uneducated dumb.
  3. I know that tanks and burners are the only legitimate way to do it, but he dosnt seem to want to believe that other people can be right.

    He was basically going to turn everything in the system off including the lights and fan, and then run the Co2 for 30 minutes before turning the system back on. Its a terrible idea but it would seem that i need some facts to make him understand that.
  4. #4 Alvinhydropacif, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2010
    definitely bad idea. you wanna only run co2 during light hours. plant stomatas close if giving too much co2. if you have large growing environment , you can use co2 generators. (those create heat) smaller size rooms are ideal for co2 tanks. works wonders up to 30% increase in yields.

    edit: desired ppm lvls 1200-1500
  5. Yes yes, I am very aware of these things. What I was really looking for was a link to the thread where someone actually set up the different methods and proved not only that they were ineffective but also established a baseline ppm to show increased growth.

  6. Yeah it's probably gonna be hard to find here. Testing like that would cost some dough and take up a lot of time. I'm sure you can imagine the time you had have to put into testing like this, there's a lot of co2 shit out therre. ICmag might have one but I doubt it.

    All in all I would just say fuck it. Let him do it. Let him fail. And he'll learn. Some people just need to learn from their mistakes and he sounds like one of em. I know he's your friend and all but if he's gonna be all stubborn about it.

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