Debate: Is Islam the reason or justification for abuse

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Faeairy, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Have a good night, I too have to run now.

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Don't waste your team arguing with narrow minded bigots brother, this place is infested with them.

    Peace be upon you friend.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. #124 BipolarsBane, Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    Right to freedom of speech - Public and private
    Right to freedom of religion
    Right to freedom of self
    Right to self preservation / self defense
    Right to equal work
    Right to equal pay
    Right to equal legal treatment
    Right to personal liberty / freedom
    Right to self expression / freedom of dress
    Right to freedom of self
    Right to children / offspring

    And the right to have all of those rights undefined, un-infringed upon, and without restriction on how far those rights extend.

    Women are not pieces of property, they are sentient human beings with the exact same thoughts, feelings, emotions, hopes, dreams, and souls as the Islamic men who subject them to control and oppression. With the exception that in them, all of these things exist with greater purity and vibrance than the cowards who carry themselves as dignified men.

    There is nothing to stop another man from coming into your house and making you his slave - this still happens in the world too despite it's lack of report of news media. If it says in his culture that it's permissible to enslave a man and absorb his belongs, and ok for him to beat you when you dissatisfy him - who is to say that man is in the wrong for doing so?

    You are now his property, his posession, and you have no place to question him or his authority. Nor is anyone permitted to question his actions or imply that he is acting with a damned moral conscious.

    EDIT -: People like this can't possibly be sane if they seek to justify the subjugation of their women folk, while lamenting and demonizing the west for whatever wrong's they perceive it to commit with their flawed logic and understanding of reality.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Nicely done
  6. You just said in Islam it's okay to strike your wife, I don't know about where you come from but in this country that's assault. So according to your posts Islam does condone abuse. If you want to understand how subservient relationships leads to abuse there's lots of information that explains it, here's some
    Abusive Relationships Something tells me you're not going to read it.
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  7. I ain't a Muslim Ed.

    The shit been thrown at the OP who is genuine and polite to all is typical of the hate filled cess pit the US has become.

    You guys are going backwards rather than forwards.
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  8. [​IMG]
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  9. Oh look it's the Israel apologist whining about extremists. Take a long hard look in the mirror pal. There are more religious nut jobs in Israel than anywhere else in the world apart from Saudi Arabia perhaps.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. That's probably because despite the constant arab attacks and media bullshit Isreal still lets them in.

    But animals will be animals no matter what country they nest in.
  11. #132 Vicious, Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    Where do you stand on child brides? At what age is it acceptable to marry?

    Where do you stand on Christianity? How do you look at Christ and Mary? My basic understanding he is still revered as a prophet and a predecessor to Muhammad but not the son of God. Mary is also revered. If you can go into detail on this it would be appreciated.

    Honestly you should make an "Ask a Muslim Anything" thread where you and any other muslms lurking can answer our questions.
    It doesn't stop many of them from claiming it after being chosen. There are countless instances in the Talmud where non-Jews, Goyim, are referred to as less than man, as cattle, meant to serve the Jews, have less rights and permitted to be take advantage of.
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  12. I am heartened to see that you recognise an Israeli religious fanatic is no different than a Saudi religious fanatic.
    Muslims and Jews are of the same lands and blood.

    Our Muslim brothers and sisters are no different to us. I would urge you to visit your local Mosque and spend some time in the company of your Muslim brothers. You will be welcomed like family if you enter with respect and an open mind. It's worth going for the tea alone.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. #134 Green Plant, Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    Regarding child brides:
    It is permissible to marry a minor, preadolescent child. It is the sole right of the father (according to many schools of thought) to allow this. However, consummation of the marriage should not take place until she is perceived as ready for it. This varies from person to person.
    It is not recommended for a girl to marry before she has reached womanhood unless there is a good enough reason. It can be utilized in order to seize an opportunity. There are 4 reasons for marriage in Islam; religious commitment, wealth, beauty, and lineage. A good reason that Aisha was married off to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at a young age was the fact that he was the Prophet of Allah. There is no better reason to get married (according to our belief) than religious commitment. Who can be more qualified than the messenger of Allah (SWT)? Imagine the opportunity as a Muslim to marry off your daughter to the prophet of Allah!

    Jesus (AS) is deemed a prophet in our religion. The ideas of his lineage to god is deemed false. Creating partners with Allah is the most heinous of sins in our religion and is the only sin that is guaranteed an eternal punishment.
    Jesus, however, has a great role in Islam. He is the Messiah (which in Arabic translation means "the one who wipes, as in wiping away sins". He was born to The Virgin Mary (RA) when the Angel Jibreel came to her one day (full story can be found online.) And by the will of god, she was pregnant and gave birth to Jesus. There is an entire Chapter of the Quran dedicated to her family (Ali-Imran.) Jesus went through the lands spreading the belief that there is only 1 god and he alone is to be worshiped. He gained his followers (disciples.) Eventually, the Jews accused Jesus's mother Mariam of immorality and provoked the Romans against him. The Romans then attempted to capture and crucify him, but Allah sent a hypocrite impostor to the Romans instead. The impostor was killed and Jesus went back up to heaven with Allah and he will return to earth before the day of Resurrection to kill the Anti-Christ (dajjal) and restore order to the world.
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  14. #136 Dizzy, Oct 22, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
    girl that's good you got away from there I would not want to live like that either. much respect I wish you the best of luck :) I wouldn't let people treat me badly and tell me what to do just because i'm a woman and of some religion. Nobody will ever tell me how I can dress or were I can go or anything else never going to happen,
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  15. Awareness of how brutal this religion is to women has to spread.

    It's the only way to turn things around. Ignoring it or calling criticism racism is a true evil to all the women who can't just leave like OP can.

    There's hundreds of millions of them.
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  16. Sorry, but this isn't exclusive to Islam, I'd like to point out.

    Honestly, with the way (majority) Republican men act towards and treat women in this country, you'd think they'd all just convert to Islam to claim a religious excuse, and then make Islam the national religion to get away with pushing sharia law.

    The only difference is that when (American) men beat their women, regulate their reproductive rights, determine what positions of office / military service they are allowed to hold, determine what jobs they can hold (and will realistically be hired for), and what political options they have, we justify it not through religion - but instead by common law which has been skewed in the favor of men. In this way, it's justified and morally permissible, or so we rationalize.

    Being a non-Muslim woman doesn't mean your exempt from an abusive spouse / partner / relative / whoever.

    We're honestly not that much better. But we are better enough.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. For the powerful it's the justification, for the commoners it's the reason.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Respectfully, and I can't stress this first word enough, I don't think you understand the differences between even classical Western misogyny that might exist if a certain subset of people took power and the actual, ongoing, real-world, right-here-right-now realities of women in Muslim nations, or here in Europe where Muslims are majorities in certain regions.

    There's a void between grab m' by the pussy's vileness and the vileness of an entire nation enslaving it's women in prisons of darkness, punishing them for being raped, banning them from professions or any life free of a male guardian, slicing off babies clitoris to deny them sexual pleasure (keeps them from being whores) - the list goes on.

    Educate yourself on the details of Muslim nations and their codex towards women. We're lightyears ahead of them in the West with regards to women's rights, even if we have work to do. We're much better. That you don't think so either exposes a lack of morality, a political leaning in favor of Islam, or a lack of detailed knowledge on the real-world application of Islamic gender doctrines.

    I think it's the latter of these, and I encourage you to examine this issue in closer detail.
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