Debate: Atheism Vs. Islam

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by lilro, May 30, 2013.

    You appear to be saying that it is impossible not to be ignorant.
    I don't see how an atheist has a problem with that.  I am ignorant of the supernatural by definition, and so is everyone else - especially people pretending they know about something they can't possibly know.  While you may be correct about the equal level of ignorance, those who pretend to know about what they can't possibly know are arrogant and deluded on top of ignorant so the two positions are not actually equal.

  2. However the conciseness or soul inside of us we don't really know what happens to it or what conciseness is for that matter it could live without our bodies idk

    It's kind of scary to think we just disappear and nothing happens but our energy gets reused somehow as if the universe doesn't waste hmmm i see what your getting at

    Where does that energy go...?
  3. #63 Firestorm60, Jul 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2013
    It seems that life is somerthing that happens when certain chemicals get together in certain ways. It's just like how rocks are formed when certain chemicals come together in a certain way. Using this logic, life was bound to start / happen just like rocks are bound to start / happen. That's just how the chemicals come together.
    Seems simple enough. Almost a no-brainer. :p
  4. What caused those chemicals tho and idk who knows man we don't truley know
  5. \tHistory of ChemicalsA few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, protons and electrons cooled down enough to settle into atoms of hydrogen and, to a much lesser degree, helium and traces of other elements.
    No other chemicals are thought to have existed in significant amounts until the universe was millions of years old and stars began to form. Stars are responsible for the creation of all the other natural elements and many of the chemical compounds that exist today. The very elements of which our planet and our bodies are made were themselves made in a star.
  6. What started the Big Bang tho and concsiness

    Interesting read tho
    I personally don't know. I guess some things are a mystery for now.
    A thought to ponder:
    If there is a God, would God be considered conscious? If God is conscious and consciousness needs a creator, then God would need a creator as well. Otherwise, if consciousness needs no creator, then it could have come about on its own.
  8. There will always be mysteries.  Even once we know everything there is to know we will still never be sure it's actually everything.  Ignorance != God.
  9. It's insane to wonder about who knows I wonder if things will be diff 1000 years from now

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