Dear Gym Rats, Supplements?

Discussion in 'General' started by HoosierIVXX, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. haha exactly.....a lot of bodybuilders use drugs (besides steroids)
    lol what?

  2. dude, just stop.

    we/re talking about lifting weights anyway, not body building.

    huge fucking difference.

    most bodybuilders arent men.
  3. I just eat cottage cheese, peanutbutter and toast. Pretty much anything with protein. Drink alot of water. And thats about it. Best to eat protein food before bed. Because thats when your muscles build and when protein will crucially be used. I don't really fuck with too many vitamins. Too many aren't even good for you. I also try to stay away from fast food.

  4. There was a chick at my gym doing powercleans this morning that would agree with you.
  5. eh, in my eyes, anyone who is trying to change their body for the better is a bodybuilder, whether it be trying to gain muscle, toning, or just getting in shape...even if its some kid who pussies around with weights and doesnt know wtf he is doing. i just look at it as different intensities
  6. I would highly recommend BSN syntha 6 as your main protein. It has awesome macros, a little bit extra fat, but a massive 50g a protein per serving as well as 10g of fiber. Also has whey isolate, and casein so its both quick digesting and slow digesting in one.

    That is important to maintain a positive nitrogen balance as long as possible both before and after lifting.

    I've tried NO-Xplod and it didn't do much for me, other than the caffeine buzz. Quality omega 3 in fish oil, flameout by biotest is the best of the best. It is highly distilled, 4 caps are the equivalent of 12-15 of your average super charged GNC caps.

    A good multi, not centrum or once a day, or some pos like that. Look into the IU content on the label, compare it to a quality brand like flora, or animal. If you're into lifting, you don't consume the FDA recommended 30g of protein a day, right? At least one g of protein per lb of weight is considered low to average for many. So look into a vitamin that has quality associated with its name. Look at for people's reviews and opinions on the stuff.

  7. I just hate BSN. Especially since they were caught openly lying about CellMass on the label. They're currently being sued over it.
  8. i like using anything from Natures Best

    personally, i prefer Isopure, as opposed to normal whey protein
    also, i have some other stuff i put in my shakes like creatine monohydrate and Greens+

    i get all my vitamins here
  9. cool your jets bro

  10. Muscle Milk is a very similar product with quite a variety of flavors. BSN has a love hate thing goin on I guess; that seems to be the trend anyways.

  11. The man speaks the truth, this is the way to go.
  12. rofl.."cool your jets bro"
  13. #33 chevyguy2034, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    ergopharm gf-pro (whey isolate)
    on casein
    controlled labs - white flood

    and plenty of CANNABIS

    proper diet and plenty of sleep are really the two most important things
  14. Agreed. Making progress in the weight room is 20% what you do in the gym and 80% what you do outside of the gym.
  15. purple k creatine + isoflex protein
  16. i actually have a bottle and a half full of creatine, i'm not sure if i'm gonna take it though. i start my workout routine again tomorrow, i'm thinking of just going with muscle milk, it's a great supplement that worked well for me last time, and it tastes hella good.

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