What type of medium; Soil What brand and type of soil? Homemade Pre-ferted organic mix, followed recipe from the organic forums here Indoors or outdoors? Indoors What strain? Northern Lights How old are the plants? 4 weeks What type of lights and how many watts? 100w cfl per plant How far from the lights? 3 inch What is your watering frequency and source of water? 5 days, City water, roughly ph'd with strips What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? What are the temps and humidity in the room? 86-88F max, 40% What size pots? 5gal Any bugs? Look real close. Yes, tiny mite looking things. Started spraying neem two weeks ago and they've gone away. Only saw them on soil and never on the leaves... I looked, a lot. Spotting has continued after bugs vanished. Sprayed neem at beginning of night cycle Any other pertinent info? First grow I don't think I can lower temps without reducing wattage. Cab temp is about 10 over ambient
First off, thanks for taking the time to fill out the above form. It does help quite a bit. Two things you left off that would help quite a but, ph run off and NPK values. Your problems are pretty minuscule at the moment. The biggest problem I see is the the pre-fertilized soil. Personally, I'd transplant ASAP. Pre-fertilized soil can run too hot and cause nute burn, which appears to be happening picture 3. It also looks as though you may have "over sprayed" your neem oil. ( it didn't evaporate/absorb before lights came back on) this can cause burning of your plant, which could possibly be what's causing the symptoms in pic 3. In pic1 is where I see the neem burn I'm used to, but that's not to say it couldn't be worse on the edges of leaves where the leaf is thinner. I think your okay, but if it worsens, I'd consider a transplant or flush.
Thanks, I went pre-ferted because plenty of people in the organic section seem to have success with it, and obviously it's easy mode growing. I let the soil 'cook' for three weeks before planting, which I read is to prevent burn and develop the soil life I guess. I think you're right about the neem burn on pic 1, it was dripping off those leaves when I apply it. I'll use less on the next treatment.
I used to get spider mites from my buddy all the time when I had to get clones from him as a new grower. I use SNS-217. It's a rosemary extract and words great, its' natural. Three apps of this and your bugs are gone! http://www.amazon.com/Sierra-Natural-Science-SNS217-Control/dp/B004FVJJS4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369955725&sr=8-1&keywords=sns+217