Dead leaf trimmings/harvest in garbage disposal?

Discussion in 'Security' started by Tommatt, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. I do this all the time. Just make sure water is running and feed them in slow. If you've only got two plants and a handful of leaves per day you've got nothing at all to worry about.

    Never, ever throw them out with the trash.

    Another thing you can try is to dry them out and crumble them into the toilet. This works great too. No stems or anything of course, but leaves crumble to dust after a few days and flush with no problem at all.
  2. I think it will be better to put them in the garbage disposal rather than the it is not going to do any damage to your garbage disposal and also the leaves deserves good death.:passing-joint:
  3. Cut up and spread on the lawn just before mowing.
  4. Salads!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Go No till and have your worms eat them :) Or just start a compost pile
  6. 2010 thread
  7. What's your point? Do you not believe this topic deserves ongoing discussion?
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  8. The op asked for advice in 2010 and hasn't been online since going with he's already figured out what to do in 8 years or he really just doesn't care at this point. Just letting the people that are giving him advice know not to expect him to reply.

    What's your point? Your panties in a knot ?
  9. I agree with you. #1 Anyone with a hint of sense understands this is a old thread. #2 Any of the aforementioned people with sense simply see this as a sort of sticky thread that people continue to add to occasionally. Of course there are some uptight self righteous arbitrator types that feel it’s their business to get wound in the spokes over minor stuff. Probably not very socially skilled in the real world as well.
  10. I don't care that they reopened the thread. I never complained nor said anything other then the date of the thread. All I did was let the guys who replying to the thread know. The only uptight self righteous people are you and your butt buddy getting all holy over it is pretty funny though. Didn't mean to get your panties in a wad, but can't help but laugh about it
    • Like Like x 1
  11. OK Francis.
  12. Sure thing Nancy . Never really got into these pet names before but for you I'll make an exception
  13. Time to add another butt hurt bully wanna be with anger issues on ignore(ance).
  14. Lol oh come on buddy. Relax. Dont get so upset.

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