Day 20

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jiaenz, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Hi , its been 20 days now since i planted my seeds now and they look pretty healthy to me . The only thing i worry about is the height of the plants . They are only about 5 inches tall each . Is this normal or should i change something ? My led light is hanging about 16 inches above the plants now . Advice wanted please

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  2. For the number of nodes the height looks good to me. if you want taller plants lift the light a little till they start stretching.
  3. Bro trust me I thought the same thing with my girls! Look at my journal in 2-3 weeks they will triple in size and then you will worry about them getting to big! Which is my current situation started some new lst today to try and save some space flipping to flower on Sunday!

    "Master scroller"
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  4. [​IMG]getting big

    First grow! Follow along 4x4 1000W Multi-strain!!!
    "Master scroller"

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