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Day 1 of tolerance break...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by eleven357, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Dude I've been on a t-break for 16 days, its not that hard you'll be alright.
  2. Today is day 6 of my t-break.. Only the first day was hard, but since then it's been going good. I guess I'm cheating a little because I'll smoke my hookah(not weed, shisha) and get a nicotine buzz. :p
  3. Don't worry bro, it gets better. The first few days are the worst, but then you get used to not smoking and it's all good. It's completly worth it too, cause you get soooo much higher when it's over.
  4. You know, I saw that you were going on a T-break and that there was 42 posts(being a hitch hikers guide fan), and it just made me think that since going on a t-break is a way of renewing your ability to get wrecked and the 42 answer to LUE, i figured id post.
    Than I realized my post makes 43, now im dissapointed :(
  5. damn.. day one and you're already freaking out? Just get through the first two weeks and you're golden. I remember when I quit for an entire 12 months for probation. I was irritable as fuck at first.

    But now, T-breaks are nothing to me for some reason. I guess it's because I am able to occupy myself with other things, and just don't think about it. Also, will power is key. If someone told you to toke a bowl right now, do you think you could resist?

    I'm currently one month, and 1 week in. Quit for this damn factory job, and they're just DICKING me around right now. They called last week, and we were talking like I was getting the job, but now... grrr!!! Had to give them 2 more references, so waiting for them to hurry up and call them and then get back to me.

    I'm giving them 2 more weeks, and then It's fuck off to them. Sorry about the sidetrack, but dude, just try to chill out. What have you been doing with your time besides being an irritable fuck?

  6. Yeah I made the mistake of not weening myself down first. I was smoking about 7-8 grams a week and the last few days before I stopped I didn't smoke any less. Next time I will cut back to once a day for a week before I attempt another T-break.

    As far as activities go, my days go like this:

    Wake up, drink green tea.
    Work out for 30-60 minutes.
    Watch movies or listen to music.
    Play some video games.
    Tell my kids to stop running in the house.
    Then come bed time, I cannot sleep worth a fuck. I have tried taking valerian root, but it didn't really effect me. The last 2 nights I've laid in bed for 2-3 hours before I can actually sleep.
    I also decided to do the Atkins Diet in combination with my T-break, since my appetite has diminished.

    And then I post in here.
  7. Tonite im finishing off my latest sac and starting a T-break for about 2 months because of exams, with maybe a few tokes in that period. I really hate how tolerance can be a super bitch like that. Especially with me, i can feel that ive built tolerance before i even finish of a half ounce. Sure, changing strains will help ALOT, but tolerance has increased nonetheless.

    Also, like lately whenever i smoke, i just get shitty depressed because the highs arnt magical anymore :( and rather just enjoy the socail aspects of smoking (talking, packing, smoking, passing, etc)
  8. yo man... haha you're taking a TOLERANCE BREAK beCAUSE of finals in TWO MONTHS?

    hahahaha i'm super blitzed but it sounds like you're taking the t break so that when you have exams you'll be high


    you sir are funny.

    but i hear what you're saying, and good luck :\ i should really do the same, but i just dont want to...
  9. Just remember how baked ur gonna be wen its all over.:smoke:
  10. when i am on a break i dont really PMS
  11. Day nine for me, lol. it's pretty cool. when i'm pretty bored with nothing to do, i have a little drink. Some cocktail, since i hate the taste of alcohol. oh, i'm no where near as productive compared to had i been high, but it takes my mind off complex matters. i don't get drunk, though, just get a nice buzz going.
  12. During my t break this was the hardest thing for me as well. I would just listen to music or read during that time until I finally found some sleep :/

  13. Well I cheated last night and took some Klonopin. Still took a bit cuz I think I was enjoying the calmness too much.

    9 more days w00t!
  14. I just finished a 3 week break tonight and am fucking BLASTED! :hello:

    Keep going bro, it's worth it.

  15. Thank You for the words of encouragement!:D

  16. the last time i took a t break (three weeks) i was really having a hard time sleeping, now i am on my second t break because of a job offer.

    my day usually goes like this:

    wake up
    drink coffee or green tea
    listen to music and surf the internet
    lift weights
    eat lunch
    surf the net or play FIFA o7
    run/jog for an hour in the university grounds
    eat dinner
    drink a few beers internet
  17. it's been a week since i last smoked!!
  18. Its been 9 days now. I am still having trouble sleeping.
  19. My sleeping problems during T breaks rarely go over 3 days, I just started mine today so at least im hoping not... but my girlfriend just wrecked my car a few days ago and her doctor gave her these little sleeping pills, I dont know what they are called but she had some last time i was taking a tbreak and i took one and was out like a light for a good 10-12 hours
  20. Well I have been done with my tbreak for about a week now and it sure was worth the wait. :) Thanks for the posts blades :)

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