David Icke

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by MysteryRoach69, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. I started this thread because I feel as though David Icke with his pseudo-science bullshit is truly a dangerous force that threatens the fate of humanity and that must be stopped by educating people about him. I'll update with video's ASAP but right now I gotta smoke some hash!1!!!
  2. Really!1!!?/

    Who HASN'T heard of that paranoid-schizo? haha
  3. I think some people hear him say things and become confused and mistake that confusion for not understanding something complex when really it's all bullshit.
  4. Guano comes to mind.
  5. Haha

    truly a dangerous force that threatens the fate of humanity

    ASAP but right now I gotta smoke some hash!1!!! :D:D:D
  6. #6 MysteryRoach69, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
    Well the maker of this video is a christian who believes in demons but aside from that it shows that David Icke is just a ripp off of older writers of similar repute.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbEgvx1qelw]David Icke Debunked (Full Movie) - YouTube[/ame]

    Truly Batshit Insane


    Here is David Icke himself giving one of his lectures


    The moon is a space ship mind control device left by ancient aliens? Yep sounds probable

    edit: damn i'm an hour in this guy is insane. "....black holes at the center of the galaxy resonate the base informational frequency of this universe." then he elaborates on how it transmits energy and "information" to the suns , in the form of photons of course :rolleyes: And thats like the galatic wireless internet and now he's exclaiming "photon information" over and over like it's a buzzword and according to him photon information is also related to chinese accupunture. Damn gonna have to smoke a bowl this is hilarious

    Edit2: alright gonna get back on the horse and see how far I can make it into this madness.
  7. Made it five hours in, had to turn it off. Absolutely absurd shit.

    Reptillians from another dimension and also from a distant star system are enslaving us guyz!

    The hollow moon idea is another thing he ripped off but he tried to play it off like its a tottaly original idea and he's just using other peoples ideas to support his. :rolleyes:
  8. #8 chadddd, Jan 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    Yes david icke is wrong and crazy about some things.

    For the reptilian theory, yes a lot of our world leaders are related to a royal bloodline, but are they reptiles? Unlikely. They are likely just evil people. He exposes them though, which helps our cause, but at the same time he hurts the truth movement because he claims they arent fully human he says they are half-reptiles.

    He also gives 7-9 hour presentations, some of it containing pseudo-science that he made up or came to the conclusions himself. Without any actual science backing his claims. So sure, hes wrong on a number of things. Jesse ventura even confronted him and called him out on his crazy claims to just be for making money.

    But in this video, he hits the nail directly on the head. I have this video linked in my thread thats in my sig, and ive had 2 people, the OP and Melt question my entire thread just because i linked this david icke video.

    if you are an open minded, independent, critical thinking, non-judgmental, decent human being, then watch the 15 min youtube video and decide for yourself if he has anything worthy to say, because i think this video represents his best work.

    Just keep in mind, you arent going to agree with anybody on this planet about everything. PROTIP: If you do and you are physically attracted to that person, i would marry him/her.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSmgL43sSWY]David Icke - Do You REALLY Want to Know This?? - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Ooooh Chaddy Chad Chad.....LOL!:hello:

    Your 'entire thread' was questioned on a number of counts: that you used David Icke, a scene from Antz and a series of claims about NASA witholding advanced technology (based simply on you not reading what the NASA site said) to suggest that you are now 'awakened' and want to inform the world of your vision of the future. Oh, and Alex Jones, someone who has made something like 30 predictions of the future that have all failed to take place, you said that he was mostly right.

    As I said in the Philosophy thread, whether you know it or not, your vision is all based on conspiracies created by people like Foster Gamble, who has a political desire to see everyone believe exactly the things you say in your awakened state, down to the last letter, including your use of David Icke - an anti-semite - as a voice.

    I think that you were banned last time for pretty much what's about to happen again here.

    For more on Chadd, please see his other famous comments and subsequent put downs in threads like the following.


    Apparently everyone who doesn't agree with him is a 'dumb sheep'.

  10. #10 chadddd, Jan 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    "on a number of counts: that you used David Icke"

    ive already explained on my thread why its wrong to discredit someones entire existence on disagreeing with them on some of their ideals.

    "a scene from Antz"

    its a bugs life. and it applies to real life extremely well.

    "and a series of claims about NASA witholding advanced technology (based simply on you not reading what the NASA site said)"

    I never said anything about NASA withholding technology. Not once. I said the people in power are purposely withholding it. The people in power control everything.

    "Oh, and Alex Jones, someone who has made something like 30 predictions of the future that have all failed to take place, you said that he was mostly right."

    who gives a flying fuck about his predictions? Guess what predictions are? GUESSES. IMPLICATIONS. SPECULATION. THATS WHAT PREDICTIONS ARE. That has nothing to do with all of his real research and real work that he has done.

    "whether you know it or not, your vision is all based on conspiracies created by people like Foster Gamble who has a political desire to see everyone believe exactly the things you say in your awakened state"

    Conspiracies are real. Its been proven in the past they have happened and its been proven they are happening right now. Whether you want to accept it or not doesnt matter, cause they are happening. You can stay a close minded sheep and get herded along for the rest of your life if you want. Im liberated and im trying to wake up as many people as possible.

    I have no idea who Foster gamble is, never heard of him before.

    "including your use of David Icke - an anti-semite - as a voice."

    i posted 1 youtube video. big fucking deal. Thats all i ever posted and mentioned about david icke in my entire thread. So what if hes anti-semtite? Do you even know anything about judaism history? the jews are not a friendly people, no matter how much of a sob story you want to believe of the holocaust. They had been kicked out and/or exterminated from multiple civilizations before hitler was even born for USURY. They think they are 'the chosen people'. They think their god YHWH specifically chose them and they are better than the rest of humans on earth. I swear you can look it up, they really do look down on us. They have a superiority complex, just like you!!!

    "I think that you were banned last time for pretty much what's about to happen again here."

    and i think you should be banned for being so close minded and ridiculously wrong.

    "For more on Chadd, please see his other famous comments and subsequent put downs in threads like the following.


    yes everybody please do look at that thread and learn about weather modification. Chemtrails aka cloud seeding is extremely real, they have multiple public patents on it and they have admitted doing it before on record.

    "Apparently everyone who doesn't agree with him is a 'dumb sheep'."

    Anybody who cant accept reality and truth, yes. I provide information, you can decide to look away and go back to your television of msnbc cnn and fox news propaganda, or you can wake the fuck up and start researching into the corruption.
  11. basically what it comes down to is: Melt is extremely wrong and cant handle reality and truth.

    Or hes disinformation. Theres no other explanations. The guys is completely breaking down, he cant handle it. Or he is being paid to do this.
  12. LOL!! Please god let me be paid for this!! I'm ready. Anyone?:)

    All anyone has to do is read the thread Chad, and your others. Your response above was classic.

  13. yeah

    dude we disagree with you

    Therefore we are government agents

    I'm down to one hour of that lecture left. I loved the interviews with fans they had. There is one guy who is expounding on how others are saying the same thing like the "andromeda contactee" then he says a name, but basically reffering to someone who claims to have been contacted by aliens from andromeda. All the while his girlfriend is looking at him like, just shut up now you sound like an idiot. Or the Pseudo-Captain Jack Sparrow guy who says "he hasn't told me anything I didn't already know":rolleyes:
  14. #14 MelT, Jan 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    For anyone interested in the Thrive movement and how they spread their political ambitions, this a good read. Near the end there si aconversation with billionaire Foster Gamble, the money behind the thinking that Chadd buys into. If you replace Gamble's statements with Chadd's there's not a bit of difference. Chem-trails, free energy being hidden from us - and I believe too getting rid of that nasty old Jewish element too, isnt' that right Chadd?

    So what if hes anti-semtite? Do you even know anything about judaism history? the jews are not a friendly people, no matter how much of a sob story you want to believe of the holocaust. They had been kicked out and/or exterminated from multiple civilizations before hitler was even born for USURY. They think they are 'the chosen people'. They think their god YHWH specifically chose them and they are better than the rest of humans on earth. I swear you can look it up, they really do look down on us. They have a superiority complex, just like you!!!

    Chadd thinks he's free and awake, when in fact he fell for the very conspiracy he is supposedly warning us about. Start at the post from May 2012. He's a bit of a racist too.

    #free energy suppression « Thrive Debunked

    Chadd. You have a strange idea that we should listen to the message and not the messenger. Don't buy a used car from a known liar - don't take spiritual, political, or life advice from people who are known fantasists.

    Awake....if only that were so....


  15. I can confirm that MelT is, in fact, disinformation.

  16. :hello::wave:

    And I have a talking fish, and a tinfoil hat, just like Chadd.:eek:

  17. Shit MelT abort mission abort mission, we have been discovered!!!:eek:
  18. "the money behind the thinking that Chadd buys into. f you replace Gamble's statements with Chadd's there's not a bit of difference."

    i dont buy into it, never even heard of it. Ive already told you ive never heard of thrive or foster gamble. ive heard of the zeitgeist movement, im more influenced from it than anything else, since you are just absolutely dying to label me with something.

    I hate money, i want to light all of it on fire. Incase you didnt notice, my thread bashed the monetary system pretty hard.

    Im tired of your baseless claims, its getting ridiculous. Just cause you cant handle reality or even want to consider you could be wrong. You are one of the most stubborn close minded sheeple ive ever talked to.

    Step outside the box with your thinking. Chemtrails have been proven, theres public patents if you just search 'weather modification patents list', go to weathermodification.com and learn about cloud seeding, the air force released a document in 1996 laying out plans to have complete global control of the weather before 2025 and i posted the link in the chemtrails thread.

    Stop being so ignorant, its disgusting.
  19. wake up sheeple

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