DATURA (angles trumpet)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MIA YaYo 305, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. ive heard of alot of trips from GC but the one i never came across is DATURA (this drug has many nicknames) so i thought it would be a good idea to contribute its own thread.

    well heres my story on my first and probably last trip on datura (IM A LIL BURNT SO BARE WITH ME)

    well me and some friends decided to try it out on the very last day of school after we took our last exam at my friends house. my friend happens to be growing datura in his front yard so we picked 3 leaves and 1 flower and brewed it into a tea (just boil the leaves and flower in a pot for like 10 mins or until the water turns yellowish green)

    we all got our own cup, poured ourselves and began drinking away...i usually hate tea so i didnt really enjoy the taste but my friends said it wasnt that bad so i poured some sugar in mine to make it sweeter which helped alot, as soon as i began drinking i realized that it was very filling, so we all drank just 1 cup except for one of my friends who drank about another half of a cup, the girl that we were with never drank all of it cuz she chickened out.. one of my friends ended up throwing up the tea soon after drinking it (so he never tripped on it).. so at the end it was only me and my other friend who was tripping

    i cant remember how long it was b4 the datura kicked in. we smoked a few bowls and the bud (from what i can remember never got me high) i remember that there was alot of weight pushing me down and thats when i realize the trip was only starting to begin

    the girl i was with got the munchies for starbucks so i went with her and i remember feeling very very very sleepy the whole day, at this point i had a nasty case of dry mouth and she bought a carmel frap and a brownie and she gave me a piece of her brownie and my mouth was so dry that i was choking on the brownie (cuz i didnt have enough saliva to swallow it) and so she asked starbucks lady for water and i drank the water (after i recovered from choking i was laughing so hard we had to leave cuz we causing a scene) and after ward the brownie still felt as if it were stuck in my throat even hours later..we go back to my friends house and i went to his couch and i was falling asleep and i can hear there voices and i thought it was a conversation in my head and when i woke up they were all around me starring at me and i was like..."what?".. and they just laughed cause they were telling me that i was talking in my sleep..lol

    (when i was walking sometimes my knees will just give and i would nearly fall but i would just catch my balance again. kinda of how a drunk person would walk)

    so we all decided to go to the movies and watch pirates of the caribean 3 and by that time i was at the highpoint of my trip and we get our tickets i remember drinking water and than when i went to take another sip it wasnt there..and i thought that i was dropping change all over the floor (it was wierd cuz i could hear them scattering) and stuff was falling out of my pocket but it was all in my head.

    when the movie started the volume sounded really really loud so i was looking for a remote control to put the volume down but than i remembered that i was at the movies (i kept thinking i watching a movie from my family room or something)

    well to make this long story short i couldnt remember the movie AT ALL only for a few short scenes and it felt like the movie was like 15 mins long (and this movie is over 2 hours long). and my friend ended up loosing his slvr and his school ring. we also accidentally left him behind at the movies. lol (he had to borrow someones phone and call his mom to pick him up)

    my dad gave me a ride home from my friends house but i could barley remember the ride home the next day when i woke up i was really confused i thought i had to go to school but than i remembered summer had just started and my pupils remained dilated for the next 3 days afterward and i couldnt read shit
  2. Sounds like you had a pretty good trip. I've heard some nasty things about datura..not a drug I plan on doing.
  3. wow I've never heard of this drug. Can either of you enlighten me please?
  4. Yeah, I've also never heard of that. From how you explained it growing and the high it kinda sounds like a version of weed. I dont klnow though.
  5. i never really enjoyed the trip it was what ever if i do try it again than i need to increase the dosage.

    datura grows all over the states it was here when we first settled here and alot of the pilgrims were tripping on it (hence the nickname jamestown weed)

    datura is very poisonous and dangerous and its very easy to OD on it
  6. I was on erowid reading about this stuff and it seems really weird. I wonder why I never heard about it before. I never ran into anything about long-term effects.. are there any?
  7. old jamestown settlement is the shit high you can see what it was like to live back then i would like to do a war renactment with the old style black powder rifile:smoking:
  8. Ive got that crap groing next to my house, its been there since I was born (18 years ago). I have never tried it and never will try it. There is all different types of datura, heres some pics of the tree. Please note that the plant is not in season atm, down here in aus spring starts at the end of this month its still winter. The tree is normally covered in yellow trumpet flowers and the pods and seeds turn brown.
    Hope this helps guys.
  9. i never heard of datura until like a month prior before tripping on it

    and acid has some pretty long term affects it can last for 12 hours
  10. Stay the FUCK away from it.

    Seriously, don't do it.

    So many people end up hospitalized off the Devil's Nightshade / Belladonna.
  11. That's the best trip report I've ever read about someone trying it. Do yourself a favor and don't try it. Most people have much worse experiences than this.
  12. yeah, I have heard of smoking the leaves, but never more than two grams per sitting, apparantly the effects are less pronounced and not as dangerous. But never smoke it more that once every two weeks. ( I assume no responsibility for those who try smoking it, all the information that I posted there is from a book I own: "The Magical and Ritual Uses of Herbs")
  13. holy shit!
    To the guy who posted the pics of the seeds, I've seen those before!
  14. Yeh it is a quite common plant... Some datura pods will have hundreds or tiny little seeds in the pods and other types of datura have the big seeds as you can see off my plant... When the seeds are ripe they go dark brown and when you break them in half they have white shit in the middle of them.
  15. Noticed that some of the pods are ripe today.
    White shit inside

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