Danks Danken

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ottonavasota, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. also spelled danksdanken

    This refers to the mythical and quasi spiritual sessions my buddy and I have when we're nearing the end of a sack. It's symbolic of the dank that has given it's life for our head change, and we are grateful. It's mostly engaged in a setting similar to Valhalla and can only be done when Thor and the Blood of Thor are at heart. Just wanted to know if anyone else had similar experiences and thought I could expand your horizon and vernacular.
  2. "Danks Danken" Whats Shaken?

    "can only be done when Thor and the Blood of Thor are at heart"

    Really Trippy Stuff my friend...

    But Sure when Thor and the Blood of Thor are at heart I make sure to get the Danks get dranken. Yea dig?

    When the moon is full, get your green bling bling and do a sing sing, then you danks danken will return.

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