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dank pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by blazinout16, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. I just an 8th of this of $40. Really good price for this quality in my area. Tell me what you think :smoke:







  2. seems like a good deal to me.

    nice dense nugs, i like the color on them too :)

    let us now how it smokes :smoke:
  3. Oh it smokes nice... tastes amazing. And yea veryyyyy dense nugs. That big one weighed 2.4
  4. Looks delicious I want my next weed to look exactly like that!
  5. I once got a quarter ounce of some no name dank in Nashville, that looked just like your pickup; my guy got it from Oregon though.
  6. Damn, Nice pickup.
  7. I want.

    $40 an 1/8th of that? Damn that's good. What area are you in?
  8. dude $40 an eighth of that?? thats crazy good, those look maaad dense.

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