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Dank Dog Names

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by toostoned910, May 11, 2011.

  1. Help me with a dank name that's not very obvious for when family visits.

    Names I'm considerng so far are: "OG" or "ohgee" as in "OG kush".
    but when you say it fast it sounds pretty good.

    Or Master P. something lke that.
  2. Diesel? that one is a little played out, but still a good dog name.
  3. like chem dog
    or kush
    or chong
    or chech - i thinkt hat spelled wrong
  4. You already thought of the name - Dank. It's fuckin perfect.
  5. i got a dog named Buddha haha
  6. i named my old dog "Cheeba"
  7. Be ironic. Go with whiskers or mr. Meow. Or even Polly.

  8. lmfao!
  9. chill...
    or.....Raul (Rah-ooool):p
  10. what kind of dog is it? if it was a little jack russell id name it jack herrer ^_^
  11. Neo or Mopheus
  12. ^sick avatar bro. you know quentin tarantino based pai mai off the dude in my sig. "master of the flying guillotine" sick movie check it out
  13. my dogs name is bud

  14. i find that ironic considering today is the 30th anniversary of his death.. still a good name for a pooch, expecially if it likes to get high like my Cesa (4 y/o kid named my dog)
  15. Fred.

    Naw, but really what about "hey little marijuana dog"

    No, no.... fuck it I can't think of shit after smoking hash... time to kill some zombies
  16. my dog is named doja
  17. Or, if it's a chihuahua, name it something like

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